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How to Boost Your Mortgage Leads With Mortgage Mailers

The competitive housing market is gearing up for another very busy spring season. With mortgage purchase originations expected to grow 9% in 2022, more consumers, businesses, and even organizations will be seeking mortgage programs. If your company is poised to take on new clients, now is a fantastic time to create a mortgage company direct mail campaign to take advantage of the uptick in the mortgage lending market.

As part of a well-rounded marketing strategy, a targeted, data-driven direct mail campaign helps to dramatically increase new leads and mortgage loan conversions. We dig into why direct mail can be an optimal fit for mortgage lead generation and how you can supercharge your marketing efforts.

Why Use Direct Mail For Mortgage Lead Generation

Houses with cactus

In a marketing landscape that’s becoming increasingly digital, direct mail remains one of the best ways to reach potential customers. In fact, direct mail use among mortgage companies alone has grown 439% in the past three years and shows no signs of slowing down precisely because of the overly crowded online space. Modern direct mail can leverage the modern data-driven targeting and list curation strategies to be the perfect complement to mortgage lending marketing programs.

Here are a few of the reasons mortgage companies prefer direct mail marketing:

  • Cost-effective: When done right, direct mail is far more cost-effective than many other alternative marketing strategies.
  • Targeted: With data-driven mailing lists, you can rest assured that your ads will target only the most qualified leads, boosting awareness and conversions.
  • Customizable: Mortgage direct mail products come in a variety of designs and are highly customizable, allowing you to stay on brand while sending the exact message you want to the right people.
  • Trackable: With advances in technology, direct mail marketing strategies are now more trackable than ever before. You’ll be able to see if your efforts are working and adjust when needed.
  • Off-line still works: Online advertising will always have its place in mortgage marketing, but direct mail is still an effective way to generate leads.

Use Custom, Data-Driven Mortgage Direct Mailing Lists

The first step to incorporating direct mail into your marketing strategy is to identify the ideal customer profiles that could become your next potential leads. Using a number of different factors, such as loan type, mortgage/interest rates, and other important demographic information, you can target the households that are most likely to need your services.

Woman Looking at mortgage mailersMortgage direct mailing lists are an essential part of reaching the right customers and informing them about your business. Since these lists are such a crucial element of your campaign’s success rates, it’s a good idea to turn to experts for help creating them. Direct mail experts will conduct a thorough review of the specific demographics in the neighborhoods you’re targeting, so you’ll know exactly whom you should be sending your direct mailers to.

If you already have mailing lists that aren’t performing as they should, direct mail list experts can also analyze them and make recommendations for improvement. They may even suggest additional names to add to your list or provide a “new movers” list.

Use A Range of Letters, Flyers & Postcards

After you’ve compiled your mailing list, the next step is to choose the best direct mail products to help you effectively reach these new leads. The three most popular choices for mortgage company direct mail marketing programs are personalized letters, flyers and postcards, each with its own advantages.

Mortgage Letters & Envelopes

Out of all the options, they feel the most formal and have more space for any information you may want to send. Mortgage letters are great for rate changes, previously funded, and many other types of notifications.

Mortgage Flyers

Somewhere between a traditional postcard and a letter is a customized flyer that can both get a potential client’s attention and deliver a relevant message. Sizes, designs and messaging can vary depending on the marketing goals of the company making them a highly flexible option.

Mortgage Postcards

Simple and straightforward, postcards are the most cost-effective choice to get into every lead’s mailbox. They are ideal for a quick message along with creative imagery and a call to action, featuring your business’ contact information.

Use Personalized Experiences With Variable Data Mailing

The best way for mortgage lenders to generate more potential leads using a direct mail campaign is to create a personalized experience using customer data and evolving trends.

Happy Smiling couple shaking hands with broker

The mortgage types and rates that your company offers will likely vary based on a potential customer’s qualifications, such as credit score and rental/buyer status. By accessing this information, you’ll be able to customize the kinds of direct mail you send to specific addresses and hopefully increase response rates.

For example, direct mail messages offering low down payment options can increase response rates for first-time homebuyers discouraged by the initial financial requirements of a mortgage. A well-executed direct mail campaign using customized imagery and messaging will be able to reach more qualified leads and encourage them to learn more about what your company has to offer.

Learn More About Your Mortgage Company Direct Mail Options

A direct mail campaign integrated into a well-rounded marketing strategy with multiple touchpoints is a great way to ensure that you’re reaching potential customers at every step. The team at One Stop Mail has experience in a wide variety of industries, including finance, and will be happy to help you achieve the best results possible from your mortgage direct mail campaign.

From choosing your direct mail products to compiling targeted mailing lists, our experts will work with you through every step to help your campaign perform at its best.

To learn more about our mortgage direct mail options, contact us at (602) 223-3003. Ready to get started? Request a free no-hassle direct mail quote!

gain new business with HVAC direct mail campaign

Attracting New Customers with HVAC Direct Mail Postcards

When you rely on local customers to keep your HVAC business moving along, finding those customers is like a trade secret. Word of mouth and online searches can only get you so far. And while digital marketing is keeping you connected to your community, it doesn’t always deliver on new, local business when you need it, unlike HVAC direct mail postcards.

In the face of the digital era, one of the best ways to target new customers close to you is actually through tangible HVAC direct mail postcards. The pieces of print are put in the hands of the specific customers you want to help you grow your business.

Why Invest in HVAC Direct Mail Postcards as ads?

Direct mail postcards for heating and cooling companies provide three clear advantages:

  • High ROI (Return on Investment) on marketing dollars
  • Less competition
  • Potential high volume in conversions

variable data printing mail bundle

Not only is an HVAC direct mail campaign simple to execute, but it’s also cost effective with one of marketing’s best returns on investment. Why does such an “old school” strategy sent via snail mail work?

Because some see direct mail postcards as traditional and old-fashioned, fewer businesses are doing it, so your postcard has the potential to help you stand out in the competitive crowd.

Studies confirm that about twice as many people notice and read direct mail over email messages. Direct marketing emails end up stored away in an overflowing inbox or worse yet, a junk folder. Postcards get passed around or even pinned up on a wall or refrigerator as a reminder.

Nearly 60% of $65K+ households purchase from Direct Mail.

Postcard Template Design Matters

HVAC Direct Mail PostcardsDesigning and printing postcards is the key to a successful direct marketing campaign. To get the best value and most customers, there are five key tips to follow when designing your HVAC direct mail postcards.

  1. Apply the 40-20-20 rule. Direct mail marketers like to use this rule to determine how successful a campaign will be. The success rate is 40% dependent on the offer or promotion, 40% on a quality mailing list, and 20% on copy and design.
  2. Keep it simple. Customers should be able to look at your HVAC direct mail postcard and immediately know who you are and what you are offering. This means it should be easy to read, clearly communicate the value you offer, and build brand awareness. All at a quick glance.
  3. Advertising templates are okay.  Whether you see an ad you’d like to emulate or have crafted a few basic designs yourself, using a proven template that you like and that resonates with your customer saves you time and money on the design itself.
  4. Make it colorful and bold. Use colors and various font sizes to help you communicate key points. Larger, bold, or colored fonts demand more attention and using them then creates an information hierarchy, visually queuing readers what to look at first. Headlines and Calls to Action should be in a font larger than the details.
  5. Research your target market. You can be very precise in building you lists and select exactly who has the opportunity to see your postcard – from economic demographics to local neighborhoods. You can also exclude those outside of your service area and renters, who don’t tend to make HVAC repair or maintenance calls.
  6. Timing is everything. People don’t tend to think about their A/C systems when the weather is cool, or their heaters when the outside temperatures are soaring. To even the flow of work, aim to send your postcards throughout the year by changing up the images, headlines, and offers to remain relevant.

Use a Strong Call to Action in Direct Mail Marketing

Potential customers receiving your postcards should be engaged and left with a clear direction. Why should they respond? Without this direction and subsequent responses, your postcards will gather impressions but no business.

Every postcard should have one clear Call to Action – what the reader should do with the information you’ve just provided. This could mean visiting your website for more information, but ideally it means calling you to schedule service.

Promotions or offers are a great way to engage and entice potential customers, however, discount with caution so that you don’t give away so much that the direct mail postcards are no longer cost-effective.

For example, a $50 discount may bring in less customers than a $100 discount, but those customers attracted to the better deal may not be long-term customers (i.e. they are in it for the deal only).

When including a promotional offer, try to limit one promotion per postcard. This makes the Call to Action crystal clear.

Use HVAC Ads & Mailers to Build Your Brand

As part of a larger strategy that also includes digital marketing, the postcards provide another touchpoint to potential customers. The more places that they see your logo and business name – your brand – the more likely they are to remember and call on you when they need your services.

Direct mail postcards are great for gathering new customers, but they also work well to spark repeat business. Even more so when offering coupons or deals for regular service, such as an A/C tune-up. You can also use postcards to thank those customers, offer a referral bonus, or remind them of the service when the season comes around again.

Analyzing your strategy and tracking your results is also easy with direct mail postcards. Just use unique promotional codes associated with each campaign so you’ll know which campaigns brought in the most business.

Partner with One Stop Mail on your HVAC Direct Mail Postcard Campaign

gain new business with HVAC direct mail campaignFrom finding leads to nurturing repeat business, HVAC direct mail postcards could be your standout marketing strategy, priming you for growth and profits. Is it time for your HVAC business to hit the mailboxes?

By working with One Stop Mail you’ll benefit from our nearly 40 years in the direct mail and print services industry. In addition to direct mail postcards, we also specialize in mailing list, direct mail service, print and graphic design, offset printing, digital printing services, data service, and easy fulfillment.

To reach those new customers via your custom HVAC direct mail postcards, request a quote from One Stop Mail. We’ll provide you with the information you need as we guide you through the options that may be right for you and your HVAC business. Reach out to us today at [email protected] or (602) 233-3003.

Postcard for Dental Practice

Direct Mail Marketing for Dentists: What Services Will Help You Get More Patients?

With the ability to effectively reach a local audience, direct mail is the perfect marketing tool for dental practices. From attracting new patients to staying in touch with existing patients–direct mail marketing for dentists can have many benefits. Read on to learn how dentists can benefit from direct mail and how to strategically use this tool to market your practice.

Why Dentists Should Have a Direct Mail Strategy

There are a number of ways that dentists can benefit from having a direct mail strategy in place:

Gives You an Opportunity to Stand Out

In a world that’s increasingly moving online, marketing communications have also shifted mostly to digital spaces even among smaller businesses. A survey by The Manifest found that 69% of small businesses communicate with consumers using only online channels while 23% use a combination of online and direct mail. As such, direct mail gives you the perfect opportunity to differentiate your dental practice from that of the competition.

Dentist- grow your practice with direct mail

Enables Multichannel Marketing

As your practice caters to a wide variety of people across different age groups and having varying behaviors, their choice of communication channel also varies. Direct mail allows you to extend your marketing to a different channel so you can connect with people who prefer to get physical mail with dentist postcards. 

High Response Rates

People are responsive to direct mail. In fact, the Data and Marketing Association found that direct mail campaigns see an average response rate of 9%. Moreover, consumers engage with 96% of all direct mail. 

Helps Fight Dental Anxiety

Dental anxiety is a common issue that plagues not just children but adults too. The proper marketing materials can be used to provide valuable information and ease this anxiety in existing and prospective patients. 

Mailer Marketing Strategies for Dentists

If you don’t want your mailers to end up in the trash, you need to be strategic with your approach. Here are some tips that you can use in your direct mail marketing strategy:

Reach the Right People with the Right Message

This is one of the most important steps in any direct mail marketing strategy. To make sure that your investment pays off, you need to get your marketing message to the right people. This means targeting the right market segments such as new movers who will need to find a dentist in their area, households with children, and households with seniors—target homes only within a few miles of your practice.

New Homeowners

Personalize Your Messaging for Different Segments

Dentists cater to a wide range of patients with varying needs, pain points, and concerns. So, the same marketing message may not have the same level of impact across different segments. For example, parents with several kids may not be too convinced by your top-of-the-line equipment but may be more interested in dental care packages to help them save money. 

It’s important that you craft different messages that will resonate with each of the market segments you want to target. Think about the unique challenges that each segment may be experiencing and develop your message to address those challenges.

Be Strategic About Design

Your dental postcard design should be impactful enough to hook in recipients. For starters, choose the right color representation to create a feeling of trust and security in prospective patients. This is a great way to subtly convince more people about your expertise and get them to make their first appointment with you.

Drive Costs Down With Automation

Leveraging direct mail automation can help you save time and reach your prospects and patients at the best time possible and at the best cost. For example, using a saturation list can help drive postage down as low as 17c per postcard.  

With customized mailing lists and personalized messaging, direct mail can be the perfect tool to attract new patients to your practice. Need help with direct mail marketing for dentists? Get in touch with One Stop Mail to learn more about our Healthcare Direct Mail Marketing service.


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How to Grow Your Medical Practice Exponentially with Direct Mail

When seeking to attract new patients to your practice, you might be inclined to look first toward digital marketing instead of its alternative, direct mail. Let’s face it: most businesses today are focused on social selling and online ads, questioning, “Does direct mail still work?” The truth is, if you’re wondering how to grow your medical practice in 2022, direct mail might be the best option. It’s cost-effective, targeted, and can deliver significant ROI.   

How to Leverage New Mover Direct Mail to Grow Your Practice  

On average, about 41 million Americans move each year. And when they move, they need to find local providers, including medical and dental professionals. They often don’t know the area at all and rely on the information they receive in the mail to make a choice of where to schedule their next appointment.

Consider these statistics about mail from the USPS for why direct mail still works:   

  • 67% of people feel mail is more personal than the internet.  
  • 55% look forward to exploring their mail. 
  • 56% feel that receiving mail is a pleasure.  

Buying a list of new homeowners and sending them direct mail can help them learn about the area, make them feel welcome, and encourage them to call you to learn more.  

Turning New Movers into New Patients  

How to grow your medical practice new moversIf you’re wondering how to grow your medical practice, residents near your practice provide a perfect option. For instance, when a family moves to a new location, they want to gain familiarity with the neighborhood. Mail helps them establish a sense of place. They are looking for a new dentist or physician who is welcoming, knowledgeable, and friendly. The same is true of current residents, who may be considering another medical or dental provider for their family. By showing up in their homes via direct mail, you help develop name recognition and erase barriers there might have been with clicking on a digital banner. They can’t ignore your message when a postcard or newsletter is in their hands.  

Medical offices are crushing sales goals through the use of direct mail. For new movers, just letting them know you’re accepting new patients and including a coupon can help them get over that initial hurdle and schedule an appointment.     

Best Practices for How to Grow Your Medical Practice  

Wondering how to grow your medical practice? With direct marketing, it’s all about the message you’re sending.

How to grow your medical practice mailbox1. Showcase Your Expertise  

While you may be inclined to jump right to advertising your practice, your future patients need to trust you first. By sharing information such as tips for better health, you’ll teach them something and share information without asking them for anything. Certainly, you’ll have your contact information on the piece, but it’s not a hard sell. When they need you, they’ll remember your expertise and generosity.   

2. Calm Fears  

Many people are, unfortunately, afraid of doctors and dentists. Add in the fact that we’ve been dealing with a pandemic for nearly two years now and you can understand people’s anxiety about scheduling a medical appointment. You can assuage those fears by addressing them outright. “We specialize in putting your fears to rest” is a great opening statement, especially for people who are apprehensive. Another approach for how to grow your medical practice is to focus on your practice’s safety and cleaning protocols. Answer the questions they have before they even have the opportunity to ask them.  

3. Help Potential Patients Find You  

People who live in your area may not realize that your office is just a few miles from their home. Help them by adding a map to your direct mail piece. That’s why direct mail works: It gives you plenty of areas to share information, creates a sense of trust, and lets readers know where you are. 

Give New Patients Options with Direct Mail  

How to grow your medical practice man checking mail

According to the USPS, 98% of consumers bring in their mail the day it’s delivered. If you wonder does direct mail still works, there’s your answer. Plus, 73% of advertising gets scanned, if not read, and 76% of consumers trust direct mail. How to grow your medical practice is clear with direct mail.

Learn more about how One Stop Mail makes a difference for medical practices and contact us to get started!   


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direct mail ideas woman in the coach opening mail

8 Knock Out Direct Mail Ideas to Kick Off a Prosperous 2022

The direct mail industry experienced some big transformations in 2021, proving it is alive and thriving. With the over-saturation of digital tactics, marketing strategists have gained significant momentum from partnering with direct mail companies to fill the need for tangible marketing contact. If you’re unsure of the most effective direct mail ideas for your business, here are some of our best tips to jumpstart the new year, wow your audiences, and build your business in 2022. 

1. Personalized Direct Mail

Direct Mail Marketing surprised young woman looking at personalized mail piece One Stop Mail webThe days of mass mail blasts with the accompanying high postage cost and long delivery estimates are on their way out. Direct mail today has adopted highly complex, data-driven technology allowing for more personalized and customized mail strategies that bring a higher ROI. 

Mailing lists have progressed to allow a very specific audience. You can use specific data points to create a specific variable piece that will connect with your audience.

2. B2B Direct Mail Ideas for Small Businesses

After COVID-19 devastated brick-and-mortar retailers, many transitioned from in-person to online. With the oversaturation of the online market, direct mail has allowed many businesses that suffered losses, especially local businesses, to reach recipients in a physical way. They can deliver messages to their audiences with special promotions and offers that will bring customers back through the door.

As the world continues to re-open in 2022, so will the opportunities for B2B direct mail, compensating for the new demand for safe, contact-free ways of achieving tangible connections. A direct mail company can help you strategize the best direct mail ideas to connect you with other businesses.

3. Adopt COVID-19 Messaging 

The pandemic has left a lasting impact on humanity and our economy over the past few years. Now that things are opening back up, marketers should emphasize COVID-19 messaging as a critical strategy to inform customers that businesses are safe and conscientious. 

The messaging should be welcoming and reassuring. Words like “contactless delivery,” “social distancing,” and “safety first” help audiences feel confident that your business has taken the necessary steps to stay safe.  

4. 2022: The Year of the Postcard

Sometimes less is more. Postcards come in various small sizes, for example, six-inch by nine-inch postcards have become a great direct mail solution over the past few years as people are spending less time reading lengthy and wordy advertisements in the mail. 

Economical from a printing and production and posting standpoint.

5. Integrate QR Codes

QR Codes have been around for years but have recently become increasingly popular with the boom of online interaction and integration with businesses. Applying QR codes to your direct mail campaign is an efficient way to automate interaction with customers, prompting them to visit a website, view a menu, or visit a social media profile

Adding QR codes also helps with sales funnels, moving customers from physical to digital then back to physical. You can send out a QR code prompting a scan to get a discount, then customers quickly move to the website to redeem, and finally use the discount in-person or online to purchase. 

6. Free Samples

Everyone loves a free sample. Incorporating free samples into your direct mail campaign is a highly effective way to familiarize customers with your brand and jumpstart sales. If your recipients are impressed by the sample they tried, they are more likely to purchase more products and recommend you to a friend. 

Partnering with a direct mail company can guide you to creative ways to utilize samples into your marketing messaging to reap a higher ROI. 

7. Compact Copy

Short and sweet is the trick to direct mail copy. Currently, direct mail copy is nearly half the length it was just a few years ago. In order to grab the recipient’s attention, direct mail demands an effective and easy copy with a clear call to action. 

Keep colors lively and fun. Using bright colors with a bold headline can capture attention. Sentences should be short with as few bullet points as possible. Copy should create a response or emotion, sparking curiosity for the customer to want to know more. Direct mail experts can guide you in drafting eye-catching copy for all your marketing needs. 

8. Highlight Perks

Direct mail is an exceptional way to let your audience know what deals you are promoting. Instead of promoting your business, promote the deal you are offering. That should be the first thing the customer sees. 

For example, Bed Bath & Beyond is well known for its monthly coupon. The largest font on the postcard is the 20% off feature of the coupon. Customers want to immediately know what they will be getting by shopping with you. 

Direct Mail Going Strong in 2022

We definitely won’t be seeing direct mail die down any time soon. It has proven itself to be a powerful player in the pandemic marketing industry. With innovative technologies, adaptive marketing strategies, and fresh takes on the traditional formats, businesses can use it to reach financial prosperity in the new year. Work with a direct mail company like One Stop Mail to help you narrow in on which of these direct mail ideas would work best for your business to kick off a goal-shattering 2022. Contact us at (602) 223-3003


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Acquiring major donors with direct mail

How to Use Direct Mail Fundraising Campaigns to Acquire New Donors

Nonprofit fundraising campaigns help new and current donors understand the good you do and gain supporters for your work. When a donor holds something in their hand automatically creates more of a connection than seeing an ad online or getting an email. Create a direct mail piece that resonates with people and makes them the hero of the story! Here are some tips for using direct mail fundraising campaigns to acquire new donors.

5 Tips for Direct Mail Fundraising Campaigns

Direct Mail Fundraising Tip #1 – Start With Great Copy

direct mail fundraising woman reading a letterOnce you catch the eye of your potential donors, draw them in with a copy that evokes an emotional response. Start with a greeting, build rapport for your organization, make a case for a donation, and then offer them a way to donate.

To be the most persuasive consider the emotional pain or pressure points of your audience. Your story must resonate with your donor, which can be achieved by being honest, passionate, and direct. Tell them something they don’t already know about your company and ask the questions your donor will ask – “Why should I care about this? How can I help?”.

Consider adding an image that backs up the message. Make it clear that the donor can be the hero of the story! Address the impact that a donation from one person can have.

Direct Mail Fundraising Tip #2 – Use Targeted Lists

Not getting the results you’d like to see, or not sure how to collate a mailing list? One Stop Mail has a team dedicated to creating custom lists with targeted demographics. We have a strong knowledge of the non-profit industry and can help with list segmentation, data management, and appeals.

Some ways in which we can help:

  • Identify the type of donor and audience that your mailing needs to attract.
  • Finding new donors within your targeted area or demographic.
  • Data segmentation through coding to help you keep track of your giving history and levels.
  • Remove non-responsive recipients from the active list.
  • Adding new donors for follow-up collateral.

Whether you’d like a new list or an upgrade to one that’s not performing to your needs, One Stop Mail has you covered.

Learn more about our Targeted List Services.

smiling man with envelope direct mail fundraisingDirect Mail Fundraising Tip #3 – Personalized Mail

Don’t just send out any old direct mail! With modern print technology, it’s easy to personalize the name of the recipient, portions of your message, giving history, and the call-to-action to speak directly to the potential donor.

Direct Mail Fundraising Tip #4 – Upgrade Your Mail Package

There are many additional tools we can offer to make your direct mail fundraising campaign as effective as possible.

We have in-house graphic designers that can create unique materials that won’t get tossed. This unique touch helps get cost-effective results from the mail you send. We’ll work with you to create a mail piece that:

  • Stands out
  • Has a clear and strong call to action
  • Meets postal regulations

Above all, your piece should be easy to read and easy to respond to!

We have the following capabilities to execute any giving campaign plan and design, including:

  • Customizing the classic direct mail elements – letters, lift notes, inserts, brochures, reply forms, and even the reply envelopes.
  • Variable data letters of all sizes including perforation.
  • Including a #10 window or regular 4-color envelope.

Keep in mind that if you have a unique design but use the cheapest materials or packaging, your direct mail might be tossed anyway. Consider upgrading your mail package by using nicer envelopes, thicker or matte card stock, embossing or foiling, or other methods of showing off a high-quality piece.

Direct Mail Fundraising Tip #5 – Use Reply Devices

direct mail fundraising woman posting a letterWhat’s a reply device? This essential piece of fundraising campaigns can also be known as a reply slip, response form, or gift form. By including a pre-addressed reply device with your mailer, you’re making it as easy as possible for donors to return a gift in the mail.

Remember to:

  • Make the donation information clear.
  • Leave plenty of space for donors to write.
  • Include your organization name and address, just in case the reply device and reply envelope get separated.
  • Our variable data team can customize form fields and amounts that are curated for the mail recipient

Get In Touch

We hope these tips are useful for you to begin using direct mail fundraising campaigns to acquire new donors.

At One Stop Mail, we have the knowledge and expertise to help create or improve your direct mail fundraising campaign. We understand the donation process and can help by providing personalized messages and the recipient’s giving history data to each segment of your donor list.

Learn more about our options for direct mail fundraising campaigns

Call us at – (602) 223-3003 or request a quote online!


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bulk mail company

How Can a Bulk Mail Company Dramatically Increase Your Sales?

Every business owner wants sales. Their organization won’t exist long without them. They typically hire expert help to generate sales, sales managers, outside salespeople, inside sales, and a bulk mail company.

Yes, you read that right. A great way to generate sales is by hiring a reputable, knowledgeable bulk mail company. Before we get into the reasons why let’s examine what direct mail is and what it does.

What is Bulk Mail?

man with a mail stack bulk mail companyIt is physical mail that’s sent through the U.S. postal service in large volumes to reduce postage costs. Typical direct mail consists of advertising messages on postcards, in newsletters, catalogs, brochures, and letters of all sizes. Direct mail campaigns advertise a new product or business launch, advertising a service, product, or promotional offer.

Businesses who send bulk mail can include coupons to spark sales, promotional codes to measure the effectiveness of the direct mail campaign, and welcome offers to attract new buyers.

Bulk mail is simply an efficient way to reach many potential buyers. And it’s effective – 42.2% of people say they read their mail daily. House mail lists have an average response rate of 9%, 4.2% for prospect lists. 

Benefits of Bulk Mail

We’ve already demonstrated that mail is read and gets a good return (email on its own got about a 1% response rate in 2018), now let’s find out why.

“Sales” is a process. It starts when consumers become aware of your business and offerings (awareness). With repeat exposure to your business and products, the reader may start thinking of buying (the consideration stage), then with more exposure, they move to sales, and eventually a customer relationship with your firm.

Bulk mail campaigns ensure your potential customers see your offers (awareness). With repeated mailings, you can move them further along the buyers’ journey to consideration, then to purchasing, and a customer relationship. Not many people buy immediately – it usually takes an average of 7 exposures to your brand message before the average person will buy.

An experienced bulk mail company helps businesses create campaigns to guide prospects further along the buyers’ journey. Additionally, bulk mail sends your message far and wide to help more future buyers become aware of your business and products.

Mail sticks around

woman holding a mail bulk mail companyOn average, mail stays around the average household for 17 days. If the mail is a colorful, engaging postcard, it can be given a prize spot on the refrigerator or bulletin board increasing the number of times family members see it. Remember – with each exposure, viewers can be moved further down the buyers’ journey.

People love mail

Would you believe that 73% of people say that they like being contacted by mail by businesses because they can read it whenever they want? It’s true – and they also feel nurtured by the sender, which can be a good starting point for an ongoing customer relationship.

Why a Bulk Mail Company is Your Perfect Solution

Lead-nurturing and generating sales take time. Partner with a bulk mail company and they will do the time-consuming work for you. A company with experience in a wide variety of businesses can recommend the best frequency to mail and send follow-ups to get the results that you want.

Some bulk mail companies have graphic designers on staff to help you create the most engaging mailers to give them a better chance of ending up in an honored place on family refrigerators to remind people about your amazing offers.

In addition, they can create compelling coupons that will encourage them to take advantage of your offers.

Are You Ready to Boost Sales?

woman working bulk mail companyThe team at One Stop Mail are bulk mail experts and will be happy to guide you to get the best results. The team has worked in a wide variety of industries, from solopreneurs like realtors to home services like contractors and landscapers to insurance brokers and medical practices.

They also have graphic design expertise on staff to help make your mailers stand out. They are list experts that can customize a list to ensure your beautiful mailers reach a new target audience.

In addition, they are commercial printers and can complete digital follow-ups.

If you’re interested in a results-driven bulk mail company, reach out to One Stop Mail by calling (602) 223-3003 or requesting a quote.


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direct mail marketing envelopes

Direct Mail Marketing Envelopes

The magical potion that Alice in Wonderland consumes to begin the once-in-a-lifetime adventure said, “Drink me.” As the magical potion, your marketing offer can start a life-changing journey for your customer. That’s why your direct mail marketing envelopes should say, “Open me.”

Arguably, envelopes are the most overlooked direct mail marketing element – yet they play a pivotal role. Your envelope can say, “fun,” “mystery,” ”sophistication,” and can pique a viewer’s interest. Here’s how to leverage their unmistakable allure –

DIRECT MAIL MARKETING ENVELOPES Girl with envelopes in background Tactic #1 – Size Matters

When most folks think about envelopes, their minds turn to a plain, white business-size envelope with or without the cellophane window, typically used to send invoices. These types of envelopes DO NOT say, “Open Me!”

In terms of direct mail sizes, use atypical large envelope sizes. Larger envelopes get a better response rate than postcards and standard-sized envelopes. Because they attract attention and sometimes create curiosity, oversized envelopes have the greatest response rate with 6.6, with postcards getting a respectable response rate of 5.7%. The average email click-through rate is about 2.6%.

If you use a large envelope, your mailer must fit the larger size, otherwise, it creates an unfavorable impression of your business. And larger or oddly shaped envelopes cost more to mail. If oversized mailers and envelopes don’t align with your brand or budget, consider using 9X12 envelopes to stand out.


Tactic #2 – Mesmerize with Color

White envelopes are boring. Try using an eye-catching color or a color that matches your brand. Colored envelopes are 20% more likely to be opened than white envelopes.

You can even use color on your envelope marketing to create a mood. Not only does color stand out in the mailbox, but you have the opportunity to influence how your customers and prospects respond to your direct mail marketing envelope:

  • Red – Conveys excitement – often used for limited-time sales
  • Green – Calmness, nature, growth – can inspire trust
  • Blue – Experience, strength – offers a sense of security

Keep in mind that dark colors make logos and printing more difficult to read – stick with lighter colors.

#3 – Ignite Action with Offers

DIRECT MAIL MARKETING ENVELOPES hands holding yellow envelopeThe face and back of an envelope are useful for more than addresses and postmarks. Create an added incentive to open your envelope by adding an intriguing line on the outside of the envelope, like:

  • Hurry! Limited Time Offer Enclosed
  • You’re one of a few to get this special offer.
  • This preview is just for you …

Entice customers and prospects with a few choice words that generate excitement and ignite curiosity to get your envelope opened!

You can also ignite action using envelopes with QR codes. This strategy combines online and offline marketing and helps to drive traffic to your website. An appealing offer paired with a QR code can get customers to engage before they even open the envelope! And don’t forget to include a powerful call to action on your direct mail envelopes.

#4 – Create Curiosity

 Guy holding an envelopeThe examples above definitely create curiosity about what’s in the envelope – but you can also do that with other elements, including:

  • Clever graphics and images
  • Make it look like a personally addressed envelope
  • Tease, tease, tease

The last item is about creating fun, even flirty relationships between your brand and your customer. You could include a short teaser that hints that there’s something fun inside.  Here are some of the best direct mail envelope teasers:

  • You’ll love what’s inside…
  • Excitement awaits…
  • Can you stand not knowing what’s inside?
  • Shhh! It’s a Secret >>

Of course, the tactics have to fit your brand, so if you are an investment firm you may want to be more professional in your approach.

Tactic #5: Engage the Direct Mail Marketing Experts

DIRECT MAIL MARKETING ENVELOPES Colourful EnvelopesIf you don’t want to spend time and money on costly re-dos, hiring direct mail professionals can save you time and money. Seasoned pros can tell you techniques for direct mail envelopes that work, suggest cost-saving hacks that still get results, and make recommendations for ongoing campaigns that pay off year after year.

Although technology has made direct mail marketing more affordable, who wants to spend more when they don’t have to? When you rely on a direct mail marketing professional, you can spend your time doing what you do best – running your business.

Engage a direct mail marketing firm with more than 20-years of expertise, like One Stop Mail for creative marketing envelopes and profitable direct mail marketing campaigns.

With list experts, graphic designers, writers, printers, and more on staff, the One Stop Mail team can take your campaign from conception to distribution.

Get a quote online or contact us at (602) 223-3003.


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How Direct Mail Companies Help You Get and Keep Customers: Top 5 Tips You Need to Know Right Now!

Everyone gets mail, from consumers to businesses, so direct mail reaches everyone, especially those who are not yet digitally connected all the time. In some ways, direct mail stands out – and works – because it is not digital. Though that doesn’t mean direct mail companies can’t help digital businesses. In fact, it’s quite the contrary. Since it takes an average of eight touchpoints to convert a prospect to a customer and a sale, direct mail pulls its fair share of the marketing load. Below are some ways that any business can use direct mail to gain customers and keep them coming back.

5 Ways to Make Your Direct Mail Work for You

1. Pay attention to design. White space, imagery, fonts, placement – it all matters in direct mail campaigns, especially postcards with more limited space. If you aren’t already working with a designer, One Stop Mail can help direct you.

Along these lines, also consider A/B testing for your direct mail designs. Changing a single variable, such as a call to action copy or how an offer is presented, can offer valuable insight into how to boost the success of future campaigns. You can also change more prominent and cost-effective elements, such as postcard size and paperweight or texture.

The word count changes in the direct mail copy all formats

From WhosMailingWhat.com

2. Keep it concise. WhosMailingWhat.com reports that word count in direct mail copy is on a steep decline. Campaigns that once used 1,000 words in 2000 are now closer to 500 words. More streamlined copy is easier and faster for readers to take in. People also respond better to visuals over or in conjunction with the copy.

3. Direct mail is tangible, so take advantage! One of the primary reasons direct mail works is because readers can touch it and turn it over in their hands. It can easily be pinned to a refrigerator or passed on to a neighbor. To that end, play with different sizes, shapes, and textures. The more your piece stands out, the more it will get around.

4. Try out trends. Green is a growing trend in many industries, print and mail included. This could mean printing on recycled paper or using “eco” and sustainability language in your copy. QR codes are also picking up steam and are easy to incorporate in any direct mail campaign (more on those below).

Another trend to think about is the COVID-19 pandemic. While we all thought it would be over by now, it’s showing signs of sticking around for quite a while. That likely has a direct impact on your business and your customers’ spending. Consider addressing the elephant in the room head-on, including adding safety precautions you may be taking or potential delays in shipping. And if your business is all digital or can be virtual, definitely promote those benefits.

5. Classic still counts. While it’s great to try new trends to see what may work for your specific company in your unique industry, don’t overlook the classics that have proven themselves time and time again, such as postcards.

Direct mail postcards have been around for decades and decades because they are smaller (read: more cost-effective to print, no envelopes) and faster for consumers to read. They also force creativity, since less is more and you are limited in your messaging by the physical size of the page.

When and How to Send Direct Mail

Timing and logistics can mean everything for a direct mail campaign. Send too much mail and your ROI will dwindle. Send too little or at the wrong times and you miss opportunities to grow. Here are three tried and true tips for mastering your marketing calendar.

How to Send Direct MailSend During Holidays

Since people are expecting to receive gifts and cards, they are more likely to carefully shift through the mail. This applies to the traditional winter holidays as well as Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. Bonus: Beat the rush and send an offer in your mail just ahead of the holiday. You may capture those last-minute shoppers who suddenly realize they need to buy something now!

Send on Customer Birthdays

Blend direct mail with variable data to automate this process. Have cards sent directly to your current customers when again, they are anticipating more and better mail. You also get the added benefit of personalizing your interaction and thus, making it more memorable for your customer. Add an offer or freebie to make it even more memorable.

Send When You’ve Carved Out Time for Follow-up

Sticking to a marketing calendar only works if you have the time to follow up with your potential and current customers. It’s not just about sending mail – you have to connect or follow up when people respond (multiple times). So sending a campaign in the middle of your busy season may not be ideal. Instead, plan ahead and have the direct mail marketing campaign ready to send by the end of your busy season, so that you’ll have the time to track results and serve those potential customers the way you would like.

Use Direct Mail to Introduce Digital

While direct mail and digital advertising can be employed separately, they often work best when they support each other. For those consumers who are not digital dominant, direct mail is an easy way to introduce them to a website, service, or app.

How Direct Mail Companies Help Digital MarketingDigital calls to action are increasingly popular among direct mail campaigns in these three ways:

  1. Directing readers to a social media channel.
  2. Using a QR code, either to take the reader to a webpage or to even start a specific order or inquiry.
  3. Encouraging readers to visit a website. More than 60% of people visit a website in reaction to direct mail.

Digital interactivity through direct mail benefits both businesses and nonprofits, as it makes donating much easier. The more ways you give readers to interact with you and the easier you make it, the more likely they are to become and stay a customer.

Who Uses Direct Mail Companies?

Think about your own mail – what companies do you receive direct mail from? Local services, like HVAC companies, dentist offices, and carpet cleaners may come to mind. And these are certainly industries that traditionally see the value in direct mail. However, new and non-traditional industries like SaaS (software as a service), disrupters, and e-commerce are tapping the direct mail well.

Google direct mail adGoogle has been consistently using direct mail for nearly two decades. The company’s trademark white space – also an important design element – translates well to the printed page and helps to capture the reader’s attention.

E-commerce powerhouse Amazon also uses direct mail. The company’s holiday toy catalogs are rivaling the famous FAO Schwartz and likely reaching more potential customers. Activities and stickers are cleverly placed among the toy ads, giving the mail piece a longer life span.

You may think an app would advertise vial direct mail, but DoorDash chose to send direct mail postcards in an attempt to separate itself from the mounting competitors. In good postcard form, the text was minimal over strong visuals and included a discount for first-time users.

Likewise, Uber used local direct mail campaigns to promote its disrupter expansion into those new cities. A great example of how direct mail companies and marketing campaigns can work for non-traditional industries.

LinkedIn’s campaigns illustrate that direct mail is not just for consumers. The networking giant sends mail to companies and businesses explaining how to take full advantage of the SaaS services, such as posting a job or an ad. Some mailings also include enticing offers.

How to Get Started

These mega-companies, and so many more, work with direct mail companies because they see the ROI and know it works. However, you don’t need to be an Amazon or Google to reap the rewards. Whether you have a brick-and-mortar store or a startup in your garage, direct mail can help you get and keep customers.

To learn the best ways to reach those new customers, request a quote from one of the top direct mail companies in the industry, One Stop Mail. We’ll provide you with the information you need as we walk you through all the options for you and your business. Reach out to us today at [email protected] or 602.223.3003.

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One Stop Mail New Mover Mailers blog feature image

Welcome to the Neighborhood! The Unbeatable Rewards of New Mover Mailers

In the English language some words evoke pure delight – “thank you,” “yes,” and “welcome” are among them. You can start your relationship off on the right foot by welcoming future customers with new mover mailers.  

That first greeting should be more than an invitation, it also provides information. You’re telling new neighbors about services/products available in their new community – that’s so neighborly. 

If you are wondering “Why target new mover mailers in this way?”,  let’s start with taking a closer look at new mover lists and why they belong in your direct mail campaign.

Is New Movers Flyer Right for Your Business? 

In 2020, nearly 30 million Americans reported moving, and they need everything, drug stores, and grocery stores to new service providers, like a handyman, plumbing, contractors, pest control, dry cleaners, etc. They also need medical providers like dentists, vets, and optometrists.  

If you offer a service or product that people usually access in their location, then your business would benefit from a list that will target new movers. 

Now, let’s address what to do to capture a percentage of those 30 million movers.  

Empathy Creates Loyalty, Thanks to New Mover Lists

new mover mailers family holding boxes moving into a new houseApproach mailer creation from what your audience needs (empathy) and your new mover lists become a platform to launch long-term and fruitful relationships.  

Moving is stressful. After home inspections, paperwork, loan processes, getting into a new home is a relief. But then there’s more stress enrolling kids in school, hiring new service providers, and figuring out where to shop.  

When you make new movers feel welcomed and understood, you’re on your way to establishing a connection with them. Following up with another mailer in a few weeks may help them feel comfortable with your brand.  

Get on Shopping Lists 

As mentioned earlier, new movers must choose the grocery and drug stores, clothing and shoe stores, hair stylists, masseuses, and other providers to frequent in their new community. 

Get in the door before your competitors to cement a place in new customer’s consciousness and persuade them to try you out!

Give Them Reasons to Shop 

Coupons and offers work for physiological reasons. According to recent statistics, 38% reported higher oxytocin levels, which are feel-good hormones usually associated with cuddling and kissing, and 32% lower stress hormone levels. 

Shoppers feel good when they get a bargain. Put together a new mover discount to get that first order.  

Extend Your Reach with New Mover Mailers 

new mover mailers young men checking mailboxDid you know that you can choose to target an entire region or just certain types of people within that area?

For instance, if your business involves kids younger than 12 you can save by not mailing to the senior community within a targeted zip code. 

One Stop Mail’s direct mail marketing professionals can help trim time and expenses without sacrificing quality. 

Managing the entire campaign on your own is complex and time-consuming. That’s why an experienced direct mail marketer with list-building, data analytics, and variable printing capabilities must be part of your team.  

Ready to get started building profits for your business by welcoming new movers to your neighborhood? Contact Marty at 602.223.3003. He and his team of pros will help create new mover mailers that attract attention and new customers. 

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