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Contrary to what many believe, the time-honored method of reaching people by mail is not dead. Catch the attention of potential customers by sending them direct mail coupons, something tangible in this digital world. Customization is key to reaching new clients and inspiring them to act.

Coupons appeal to consumers, and not just the family’s main meal planner. In 2013, 60% of printed coupons were for non-food items, such as clothing, cleaning products, restaurant meals, and office supplies. There is so much opportunity for things other than groceries!

Do Direct Mail Coupons Still Work?

DirectMailCoupon EXCoupons can play a big role in direct mail campaigns. Almost everyone uses coupons, and a good coupon marketing campaign can drive new customers to your business. Did you know that 94% of consumers still use coupons? Keep shoppers coming back to your brand or steal them from your competitors by reminding them of current offers.

Combining direct mail coupons with digital products such as online rewards programs can help reach consumers across multiple channels. A great marketing strategy can bring new business through your doors, to your website or social media, or to your app. “81% of consumers would take additional action, such as enrolling in a loyalty program, to redeem a rebate or coupon.”

Campaign Options

There are many considerations to make when starting a direct mail coupon campaign.


If you’re all set with consistent branding, next is your marketing message.

  • Start with a value statement. Why should the customer take advantage of your product or service? What sets your brand apart from the rest?
  • Use quality messaging. Clearly state the rules of your promotion. Make it easy for them to redeem the offer using a code or something that can be scanned. Use simple, clear language and good design for readability.
  • Offer variety. Include companion offers to entice potential consumers who may not be interested in your first deal.
  • Give the offer an expiration date to create urgency.

How Much?

direct mail coupons opening envelope with a coupon insideRetailers of all sizes can use coupons and anticipate good results. The most common coupons you see are dollar or percentage off. Most of all, make it worth their while. “43 percent of shoppers agree that clipping coupons are a good investment of time when the discount is worth up to 25% off.”

How Many?

The correct frequency and reach is a sweet spot that can only be found by working together to determine the perfect combination to exceed the return on investment.

Coupons are very easy to measure. Calculate direct sales conversions by comparing the number of coupons redeemed versus the number mailed out. Not sure what’s best? Try sending out two or three different offers to see which one performs better.

Tangible Marketing with Direct Mail Coupons

direct mail coupons hand holding two couponsNew brands are harder to overlook when they’re presented as physical objects. Emails can be deleted and digital ads can be ignored, but a piece of paper in your mailbox has a much higher retention rate, even if they only see your logo or retail store colors. Variable data (like a name associated with a postal address) gives your postcard, letter, etc. a level of personal connection.

One of the most popular examples of direct mail coupons is a full-color, two-sided postcard. Make the offer compelling and the design eye-catching and this is a marketing piece that will end up in the “keep” pile or on the refrigerator.

More Information on Direct Mail Coupons

Think of a direct mail coupon campaign as just the beginning. If you provide an excellent buying experience for the customers, they will come back for more! Hook them and then keep them interested with direct mail and follow-ups.

Feeling overwhelmed? The team at One Stop Mail will help guide you through this process. We’re familiar with obtaining targeted lists, designing eye-catching mail products, printing, bulk mailing, and digital follow-ups.

We offer results-driven direct mail marketing focused on achieving your call to action. Still not sure where to start? We can help!

Holly Emerson

Author Holly Emerson

More posts by Holly Emerson

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