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Postcard for Dental Practice

Direct Mail Marketing for Dentists: What Services Will Help You Get More Patients?

With the ability to effectively reach a local audience, direct mail is the perfect marketing tool for dental practices. From attracting new patients to staying in touch with existing patients–direct mail marketing for dentists can have many benefits. Read on to learn how dentists can benefit from direct mail and how to strategically use this tool to market your practice.

Why Dentists Should Have a Direct Mail Strategy

There are a number of ways that dentists can benefit from having a direct mail strategy in place:

Gives You an Opportunity to Stand Out

In a world that’s increasingly moving online, marketing communications have also shifted mostly to digital spaces even among smaller businesses. A survey by The Manifest found that 69% of small businesses communicate with consumers using only online channels while 23% use a combination of online and direct mail. As such, direct mail gives you the perfect opportunity to differentiate your dental practice from that of the competition.

Dentist- grow your practice with direct mail

Enables Multichannel Marketing

As your practice caters to a wide variety of people across different age groups and having varying behaviors, their choice of communication channel also varies. Direct mail allows you to extend your marketing to a different channel so you can connect with people who prefer to get physical mail with dentist postcards. 

High Response Rates

People are responsive to direct mail. In fact, the Data and Marketing Association found that direct mail campaigns see an average response rate of 9%. Moreover, consumers engage with 96% of all direct mail. 

Helps Fight Dental Anxiety

Dental anxiety is a common issue that plagues not just children but adults too. The proper marketing materials can be used to provide valuable information and ease this anxiety in existing and prospective patients. 

Mailer Marketing Strategies for Dentists

If you don’t want your mailers to end up in the trash, you need to be strategic with your approach. Here are some tips that you can use in your direct mail marketing strategy:

Reach the Right People with the Right Message

This is one of the most important steps in any direct mail marketing strategy. To make sure that your investment pays off, you need to get your marketing message to the right people. This means targeting the right market segments such as new movers who will need to find a dentist in their area, households with children, and households with seniors—target homes only within a few miles of your practice.

New Homeowners

Personalize Your Messaging for Different Segments

Dentists cater to a wide range of patients with varying needs, pain points, and concerns. So, the same marketing message may not have the same level of impact across different segments. For example, parents with several kids may not be too convinced by your top-of-the-line equipment but may be more interested in dental care packages to help them save money. 

It’s important that you craft different messages that will resonate with each of the market segments you want to target. Think about the unique challenges that each segment may be experiencing and develop your message to address those challenges.

Be Strategic About Design

Your dental postcard design should be impactful enough to hook in recipients. For starters, choose the right color representation to create a feeling of trust and security in prospective patients. This is a great way to subtly convince more people about your expertise and get them to make their first appointment with you.

Drive Costs Down With Automation

Leveraging direct mail automation can help you save time and reach your prospects and patients at the best time possible and at the best cost. For example, using a saturation list can help drive postage down as low as 17c per postcard.  

With customized mailing lists and personalized messaging, direct mail can be the perfect tool to attract new patients to your practice. Need help with direct mail marketing for dentists? Get in touch with One Stop Mail to learn more about our Healthcare Direct Mail Marketing service.


direct mail ideas woman in the coach opening mail

8 Knock Out Direct Mail Ideas to Kick Off a Prosperous 2022

The direct mail industry experienced some big transformations in 2021, proving it is alive and thriving. With the over-saturation of digital tactics, marketing strategists have gained significant momentum from partnering with direct mail companies to fill the need for tangible marketing contact. If you’re unsure of the most effective direct mail ideas for your business, here are some of our best tips to jumpstart the new year, wow your audiences, and build your business in 2022. 

1. Personalized Direct Mail

Direct Mail Marketing surprised young woman looking at personalized mail piece One Stop Mail webThe days of mass mail blasts with the accompanying high postage cost and long delivery estimates are on their way out. Direct mail today has adopted highly complex, data-driven technology allowing for more personalized and customized mail strategies that bring a higher ROI. 

Mailing lists have progressed to allow a very specific audience. You can use specific data points to create a specific variable piece that will connect with your audience.

2. B2B Direct Mail Ideas for Small Businesses

After COVID-19 devastated brick-and-mortar retailers, many transitioned from in-person to online. With the oversaturation of the online market, direct mail has allowed many businesses that suffered losses, especially local businesses, to reach recipients in a physical way. They can deliver messages to their audiences with special promotions and offers that will bring customers back through the door.

As the world continues to re-open in 2022, so will the opportunities for B2B direct mail, compensating for the new demand for safe, contact-free ways of achieving tangible connections. A direct mail company can help you strategize the best direct mail ideas to connect you with other businesses.

3. Adopt COVID-19 Messaging 

The pandemic has left a lasting impact on humanity and our economy over the past few years. Now that things are opening back up, marketers should emphasize COVID-19 messaging as a critical strategy to inform customers that businesses are safe and conscientious. 

The messaging should be welcoming and reassuring. Words like “contactless delivery,” “social distancing,” and “safety first” help audiences feel confident that your business has taken the necessary steps to stay safe.  

4. 2022: The Year of the Postcard

Sometimes less is more. Postcards come in various small sizes, for example, six-inch by nine-inch postcards have become a great direct mail solution over the past few years as people are spending less time reading lengthy and wordy advertisements in the mail. 

Economical from a printing and production and posting standpoint.

5. Integrate QR Codes

QR Codes have been around for years but have recently become increasingly popular with the boom of online interaction and integration with businesses. Applying QR codes to your direct mail campaign is an efficient way to automate interaction with customers, prompting them to visit a website, view a menu, or visit a social media profile

Adding QR codes also helps with sales funnels, moving customers from physical to digital then back to physical. You can send out a QR code prompting a scan to get a discount, then customers quickly move to the website to redeem, and finally use the discount in-person or online to purchase. 

6. Free Samples

Everyone loves a free sample. Incorporating free samples into your direct mail campaign is a highly effective way to familiarize customers with your brand and jumpstart sales. If your recipients are impressed by the sample they tried, they are more likely to purchase more products and recommend you to a friend. 

Partnering with a direct mail company can guide you to creative ways to utilize samples into your marketing messaging to reap a higher ROI. 

7. Compact Copy

Short and sweet is the trick to direct mail copy. Currently, direct mail copy is nearly half the length it was just a few years ago. In order to grab the recipient’s attention, direct mail demands an effective and easy copy with a clear call to action. 

Keep colors lively and fun. Using bright colors with a bold headline can capture attention. Sentences should be short with as few bullet points as possible. Copy should create a response or emotion, sparking curiosity for the customer to want to know more. Direct mail experts can guide you in drafting eye-catching copy for all your marketing needs. 

8. Highlight Perks

Direct mail is an exceptional way to let your audience know what deals you are promoting. Instead of promoting your business, promote the deal you are offering. That should be the first thing the customer sees. 

For example, Bed Bath & Beyond is well known for its monthly coupon. The largest font on the postcard is the 20% off feature of the coupon. Customers want to immediately know what they will be getting by shopping with you. 

Direct Mail Going Strong in 2022

We definitely won’t be seeing direct mail die down any time soon. It has proven itself to be a powerful player in the pandemic marketing industry. With innovative technologies, adaptive marketing strategies, and fresh takes on the traditional formats, businesses can use it to reach financial prosperity in the new year. Work with a direct mail company like One Stop Mail to help you narrow in on which of these direct mail ideas would work best for your business to kick off a goal-shattering 2022. Contact us at (602) 223-3003


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Fitness postcards Work postcard example web

Hey Fitness Industry. Direct Mail Works!

Pack Your Gym with Next-Level Fitness Postcards Target Marketing

Everybody needs a good kick in the butt every now and then. Fitness postcards, combined with targeted marketing are the best way to drive memberships, especially after those New Year’s resolutions, summer-bod goals, and holiday parties. Gym postcards are an easy, efficient way to stay ahead of your competition and in front of potential new customers, right in your neighborhood. 

There are Many Potential Targets

One of the great advantages of fitness industry marketing is there are always new prospects available. With fitness postcards, gyms and health clubs can saturate the neighborhood to offer great membership benefits.  

Fitness postcards Work direct advertising webWhen I want to hit the gym at 5:00 a.m. before work, I’m looking for a place that’s close to my house and easy to get to.  Targeting the neighborhood of gyms’ locations, especially with fitness postcards that highlight specials, classes, personal training, and smiling, happy people with dream bodies your prospects hope to have is a great way to capture attention.

Lists to use in fitness industry marketing are easy, affordable, and accessible. Keep it simple with an EDDM, a saturation list to keep your costs down and increase your target area.  These types of lists are like a good hot yoga class — they help you stretch your budget farther. You can even create a more targeted list that looks at age, household income, and much more if you offer specialty services or classes.

People Need Motivation, Catch Them at the Right Time

While there is never a bad time to recruit new members, there are definitely great times to invest in fitness industry marketing materials, especially fitness postcards.  People are always more motivated before and after the holidays, at the start of a new year, and in the summer. While it’s always a good idea to stay in front of potential customers consistently, blasting your fitness postcards during these times can only help drive memberships.  

Another pro tip: stand out from the crowd!  Competition in the fitness industry is high. The best way to catch attention is with high-quality, unique fitness postcards that stand out in the mailbox.  

Entice people with new membership offers, motivate them with pictures of fitness enthusiasts in their natural setting (ahem – a gym!), and have a clear view of all the great classes you offer. Utilize great offset or digital print options at One Stop Mail to customize your message, as well as our expert design services to help make sure you stay on top of your competition in the mailbox.   

The Value of Repeat Gym Postcard Mailings 

Fitness postcards Work big printer webYou don’t want prospects to only visit your gym once, so why would you only mail to them once?

In the direct mail advertising world, it’s important to market constantly and consistently.  Salesforce notes it takes six to eight touchpoints to drive a buying decision. 

I know when I try out a new gym and take advantage of a few free workouts, my first stop isn’t at the bench press, it’s to a representative to talk through my needs. That’s a touchpoint.  Direct mail marketing is no different and the most cost-effective way to attract new members is fitness postcards mailed multiple times.  We highly recommend at least three to four touchpoints through the mail over a nine-week period, minimum. Again, utilizing cost-efficient list and data services, high-quality printing, and quick turnaround times extends your budget.

Need to Fill a Class? Send Fitness Postcards Today

Driving membership traffic is always needed, but keep in mind your postcard must stand out with dynamic images, new membership offers, and relevant information about fun classes. Let the professionals at One Stop Mail help you design an eye-catching postcard that will fill up those classes. We can also help you highlight personal trainers, or new equipment, or the gym facilities that set you apart from the competition.

Start a Campaign with Fitness Postcards with One Stop Mail

Pump up your membership numbers today by speaking with one of our direct mail experts.  Highlight your great classes and membership offers to get people off the couch and into your gym. There is no better way to attract more business than fitness postcards in a direct mail campaign to get your neighbors motivated and in front of your sales reps. Contact us or call 602-233-3003 and talk to one of our experts today!

DIrect Mail Marketing Targeted Mailing Lists

How To Target Baby Boomers: A Direct Mail Strategy

How To Target Baby Boomers: A Direct Mail Strategy


According to the Population Reference Bureau (PRB), the number of baby boomers currently in the U.S. numbers around 76 million. That is almost one-quarter of the entire U.S. population, making them a prime target for marketers. One of the best ways to reach the baby boomer generation is through direct mail. However, it is critical that you don’t approach this like your other direct mail marketing campaigns. Here are some things to keep in mind as well as some useful tips when developing your direct mail marketing campaign targeting baby boomers.


Besides Their Population Size, Why To Target Them


The baby boomer generation controls approximately 70% of all disposable income in the U.S. This generation is quite affluent and empowers them to make buying decisions. But this does not explain why direct mail would be a good marketing channel to use. According to Neil Patel in his article, “How to Reach Baby Boomers, Gen-Xers and Millennials with Your Online Marketing,” the baby boomer generation “are more likely to respond to direct mail campaigns than any other generation.” Another factor to consider is how many of them are reaching retirement age, and have more free time to engage with content. According to a Marketing Chart Study that surveyed purchase influence among baby boomers between the ages of 50-68, they found that “more than 3 in 10 survey respondents reporting that direct mail had influenced them to purchase a product or service during the prior 6 months. Interestingly, that was the most commonly-cited purchase influencer of 16 identified, ahead of word-of-mouth and online consumer reviews.” With these things in mind, you can see why direct mail is a prime marketing option. To make sure that your campaign reaches them effectively, keep these things at the forefront when crafting your message.  


Be Straightforward Rather Than Creative


When you are drafting your copy, make sure that your message hits home on everything and does not come off vague. According to the Entrepreneur in “5 Ways to Effectively Market to Baby Boomers,” they say, “seniors want to see everything spelled out in print. It’s far more important to use the right language than catchy copy.” Any sort of ambiguity or lack of information can cause them to not trust your offer or leave with them unanswered questions. This is why the article goes on to say, “Address every potential question a user may have. Include the answers in printed brochures, direct mail materials, and make the information easily available on the website.” Brainstorm all of the questions that someone may have after your reading your copy, and find a way to work the answers into the final marketing piece.


Dump Conventional Wisdom


Many of us have a certain predisposition to retirees, which misleads marketers into thinking falsely about baby boomers. In Eric Cosway’s article, “Send baby boomers direct mail and let the magic unfold,” he states that, “conventional wisdom has long been that retirees value comfort, stability and the relaxation of a quiet life. Just as they defied the conventional wisdom of their era as teens, baby boomers are defying today’s stereotypes of retirees.” It is important not to cater your message with this in mind, for it will most likely fall flat on its face. Cosway makes a good point that the baby boomer generation actually shares more things in common with their children than they did with their parents, such as, “adventure, change, achievement, and happiness.” He boils it down to one basic principle, “don’t make them feel old.”


Shoot Straight and Focus The Message


Considering how the baby boomers are quite receptive to direct mail and are in a position with greater spending power that other generations, you want to make sure that you nail your message. Your call-to-action should be very clear and simple. When composing your copy, don’t leave anything out. Any question unanswered is just one more reason why they should throw your copy in the trash rather than following through with the action you want them to take. And lastly, keep their personal values in mind, and flush the retiree stereotypes down the toilet.  



Postcards Are Still One Of The Most Cost-Effective Methods Of Outreach

There are so many different ways of reaching out to customers these days that it’s hard to even settle on which methods to use.  Plus, the rush of technology means there’s always potential to deploy the latest-and-greatest gimmicks to grab people’s attention.

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