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Pack Your Gym with Next-Level Fitness Postcards Target Marketing

Everybody needs a good kick in the butt every now and then. Fitness postcards, combined with targeted marketing are the best way to drive memberships, especially after those New Year’s resolutions, summer-bod goals, and holiday parties. Gym postcards are an easy, efficient way to stay ahead of your competition and in front of potential new customers, right in your neighborhood. 

There are Many Potential Targets

One of the great advantages of fitness industry marketing is there are always new prospects available. With fitness postcards, gyms and health clubs can saturate the neighborhood to offer great membership benefits.  

Fitness postcards Work direct advertising webWhen I want to hit the gym at 5:00 a.m. before work, I’m looking for a place that’s close to my house and easy to get to.  Targeting the neighborhood of gyms’ locations, especially with fitness postcards that highlight specials, classes, personal training, and smiling, happy people with dream bodies your prospects hope to have is a great way to capture attention.

Lists to use in fitness industry marketing are easy, affordable, and accessible. Keep it simple with an EDDM, a saturation list to keep your costs down and increase your target area.  These types of lists are like a good hot yoga class — they help you stretch your budget farther. You can even create a more targeted list that looks at age, household income, and much more if you offer specialty services or classes.

People Need Motivation, Catch Them at the Right Time

While there is never a bad time to recruit new members, there are definitely great times to invest in fitness industry marketing materials, especially fitness postcards.  People are always more motivated before and after the holidays, at the start of a new year, and in the summer. While it’s always a good idea to stay in front of potential customers consistently, blasting your fitness postcards during these times can only help drive memberships.  

Another pro tip: stand out from the crowd!  Competition in the fitness industry is high. The best way to catch attention is with high-quality, unique fitness postcards that stand out in the mailbox.  

Entice people with new membership offers, motivate them with pictures of fitness enthusiasts in their natural setting (ahem – a gym!), and have a clear view of all the great classes you offer. Utilize great offset or digital print options at One Stop Mail to customize your message, as well as our expert design services to help make sure you stay on top of your competition in the mailbox.   

The Value of Repeat Gym Postcard Mailings 

Fitness postcards Work big printer webYou don’t want prospects to only visit your gym once, so why would you only mail to them once?

In the direct mail advertising world, it’s important to market constantly and consistently.  Salesforce notes it takes six to eight touchpoints to drive a buying decision. 

I know when I try out a new gym and take advantage of a few free workouts, my first stop isn’t at the bench press, it’s to a representative to talk through my needs. That’s a touchpoint.  Direct mail marketing is no different and the most cost-effective way to attract new members is fitness postcards mailed multiple times.  We highly recommend at least three to four touchpoints through the mail over a nine-week period, minimum. Again, utilizing cost-efficient list and data services, high-quality printing, and quick turnaround times extends your budget.

Need to Fill a Class? Send Fitness Postcards Today

Driving membership traffic is always needed, but keep in mind your postcard must stand out with dynamic images, new membership offers, and relevant information about fun classes. Let the professionals at One Stop Mail help you design an eye-catching postcard that will fill up those classes. We can also help you highlight personal trainers, or new equipment, or the gym facilities that set you apart from the competition.

Start a Campaign with Fitness Postcards with One Stop Mail

Pump up your membership numbers today by speaking with one of our direct mail experts.  Highlight your great classes and membership offers to get people off the couch and into your gym. There is no better way to attract more business than fitness postcards in a direct mail campaign to get your neighbors motivated and in front of your sales reps. Contact us or call 602-233-3003 and talk to one of our experts today!

Holly Emerson

Author Holly Emerson

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