Tag Archive for: direct mail


Using Variable Data Postcards For Customer Reminders

Before variable data postcards printing, generating reminders for specific customers had to be done by hand. Naturally, this consumed a lot of time and required one to have a well-organized log of their customers that you had to go through one at a time. Today, thanks to variable data printing, you can push out custom-tailored reminders much more efficiently.

What are Variable Data Postcards?

Variable data postcard printing uses a type of digital printing that allows you to change certain elements in the print run like text, images, and graphics from one piece to another without slowing down the process. As a result, this increases the “customizability” of your print runs so that you can customize specific pieces to specific customers.

Personalization is the name of the game if you want to establish relationships with your customers. This breaks down the anti-advertising wall that we all have put up now since we have been exposed to so much of it through all sorts of different mediums. Whether it be through our music streaming applications or on television, most of us dread those commercial breaks, causing us to either get up and leave, or check out altogether. The goal is to engage with your customers, and the best way to do so is to give them a message meant only for them.

How VDP Can Improve Customer Reminder Responses

Say you are a car dealer and someone came in recently to test drive a car. You can now send them a reminder with an image of the same make and model that they test drove. Or maybe you run a bookstore, and someone recently purchased a popular novel in a series. You could send them a reminder to come in and purchase the next one in the series.

You can repeat this process over and over again for all of your customers. VDP offers greater versatility and can be applied to a lot of different scenarios where you can foster repeat business. This not only creates a personal relationship with your customers but allows you to maintain your current customer base. It is always harder to get new customers than to keep the customers that have already done business with your brand.


Is it Worth the Cost?

Although VDP tends to be more expensive, the benefit of creating deeply personal marketing materials tips the scale in its favor. Consider how VDP can help build more powerful relationships with your customers, and how it can increase repeat business by targeting buyers’ preferences. In the long run, if you can get more people to re-enter the pipeline, then paying a little more for variable data postcards might just be worth it.

If you’re not sure where to turn for reasonable variable data printing costs and direct mail expertise, start your direct marketing campaign by contacting One Stop Mail.


Testing Your Direct Mail Campaign

Testing Your Direct Mail Campaign

There are many marketers that believe they are above testing because they have enough experience to know what works and what doesn’t. However, this sort of thinking prevents one from improving or confirming their marketing decisions. Testing your direct mail campaign should not be thought of as a one-time chore. It is a routine task that needs to be maintained because it is really the only way you can improve your campaigns, even ones that are already successful.

If It Is Already Successful, Why Test?

It is easy to disregard testing when your campaign is already successful. But even so, there may still be room for improvement. Moreover, for all you know, your competition may be testing a lot more and achieving greater results. In the article “Successful Direct Mail Is All in the Testing,” by Lois Geller, she tells an interesting story about how they “… developed a completely new and more expensive creative approach for a correspondence school. The client mailed it with the same offer to the same kinds of lists as the control. Our new creative brought in the same percentage of responses, so the client thanked us and said they’d stick with their cheaper control to save money.” Naturally, if you are getting the same results for more money, most would see this as a waste of money. However, the story takes an interesting twist as she continues, “Two years later our creative director ran into the client at a convention. The client said that our package had become the company’s control because, for some reason, it brought in a better class of customer, the kind of people who stick with the program a lot longer—and who are willing to pay a lot more money.” This is a perfect example of a client overlooking one of the most important metrics when testing—customer value. In this case, the client only focused on response rates rather than the quality of the customers who were responding. This is why testing when you already have a successful campaign can take your business to the next level.

What Should You Be Testing

Now that you have decided testing is a critical component to your direct mail marketing success, you need to determine what you actually need to test. According to the article “Direct Mail Testing – A/B split and multi-variable testing,” the top priorities for testing include two things: your list and the offer. The actual creative is an important component, but it should not monopolize your time. This is because the list and the offer are really going to have the most influence on your results at the end of the day.

Testing Strategies

Typically, you only want to test one element at a time. To do this, you need to establish some sort of control. So if you have a current campaign that is receiving some success, that can be your control. You can then develop a test campaign that you will send out at the same time and monitor the results. Perhaps you try different lists or a different offer. You can even try a different creative and see how it performs in comparison to your current design. This is called A/B split tests, and is the most common form of testing. If you are starting from scratch, you will just have to make an educated guess on what the best components will be and then test it. Make sure you track where all of your data so that you can make sure you are making the correct decisions based on reliable information. From there, you can combine the best elements to make an optimized campaign.

It’s Not A Chore, It’s How You Improve

Check your ego at the door. No one cares how much you know, or what success stories you’ve had in the past. What matters is in the present, and each campaign is different. From the outset, everyone must change their perception on direct mail testing. It is not a chore, but a necessity of life if you want to improve. Never stop at success, because there is always more success to be had if you are willing to put in the work.

One Stop Mail Printing Serives

Eco-Friendly Marketing: Recycled and Sustainable Paper

Eco-Friendly Marketing: Recycled and Sustainable Paper

There have been many arguments made about eco-friendly marketing. Some have cited that digital is the only true green method. However, many of these arguments lose viability when you consider the carbon footprint of factories, the energy required to run devices, and growing amount of e-waste in the world. On the other side of the dividing line lies the the other option stacked against paperless advocates: recycled and sustainable paper. Many companies have started to use this option as a way to improve their brand image with the growing millennial generation, one that is willing to pay more for a product if it is green. Before we get too ahead of ourselves, let’s start with this question: what is recycled and sustainable paper?


The Differences Between Recycled and Sustainable Paper

Recycled paper is created by reconstituting paper used by consumers. This is a great alternative to buying brand new paper. The downside to recycled paper though is the fact that paper can only be recycled a few times. Only the best quality paper can be used more than this, but it also has limited renewability.

Sustainable paper is different from recycled paper in the sense that the paper comes from forests that are constantly having new trees planted to replace the ones cut down. This is what “sustainable” means since this kind of deforestation does not leave stumps in its wake but freshly planted seeds to grow new trees. Another thing to note is that the trees that are cut down are not entirely devoted to making paper. Other parts of the tree are used for other things, making greater use out of the wood.


So, Why Does This Matter?

Now for the real question: why is it a big deal when a company decides to go green by switching the kind of paper it uses? As mentioned before, millennials are the most environmentally aware generation to date. Moreover, due to their constant exposure to social media, they have become increasingly aware of brand image. According to “5 Reasons Why Visible Sustainability Matters to Millennial Consumers,” 59% of millennials are willing to spend more on a product if the company is portraying the right brand image. The article also goes on to state that “to many millennials, the simple act of selecting a packaged beverage during a lunch break is the potential for a statement about their identity and values.” As millennials age and accumulate more buying power, companies should take heed of their environmental awareness to better market to them.


Planning For The Future

With environmental concerns constantly being at the forefront of many modern debates, it would not be too far-fetched to say that going green is an investment for future success. As more generations grow up in a highly environmentally aware society, one can only expect that this will remain an important concern for future generations. Consider recycled paper or sustainable paper as an alternative to satisfy your paper needs.



What is EDDM – And Is Canvassing A Neighborhood Worth It?

Business owners often ask us, “what is EDDM”?  They’ve heard of it and that its a good marketing tool, but they aren’t sure what the acronym means or what it’s all about.

Every door direct mail, or known simply as EDDM, is a marketing tool offered by USPS that targets mailing routes instead of individual addresses to get direct mail out to the masses. This is obviously different from the typical direct mail campaign we are all familiar since you are not necessarily targeting a specific individual but rather a large group of people in different neighborhoods. Due to this difference, it is important to be clear about what is EDDM when considering if it is right for your business.


Who Should Use It?

EDDM is great for those that want to target a new location but do not have a list of addresses for that area. This can enable you to get your brand in front of new customers in a specific region. EDDM typically works best for local businesses that want to get their name known by residents surrounding their area.On top of it having the capability to target a large group of people, EDDM is also cheaper than your typical direct mail marketing campaign. Rather than spending lots of time on catering your copy to a specific person, you need to make it more general and relevant to a variety of individuals.


Design Keys For EDDM

First and foremost, what will help you stand out is your color choices. As we discussed our other article called “Applying Color Psychology To Direct Mail,” color can imply different things to a person. Such as too much red coming off as aggressive or angry, or blue which can make someone feel cold and disconnected. Really consider what color choices are best for your messaging, and be sure to use the right amount.

After color comes the actual message you want to convey. Now, when we said that you needed to be more general, this does not mean you should not consider who your target customer. Start with who you think would be interested in your services, then develop messaging that can appeal to a wide range of individuals underneath this umbrella. This means wrestling with how to target different age groups, men and woman, and other customer identifiers. Though this may seem a bit challenging, it will ensure that you do not narrow your EDDM campaigns messaging to a small group of people, which defeats the purpose of EDDM.


Bottom Line: What is EDDM and Is it Right For You?

EDDM can be an effective way to get new customers while keeping your costs down. Though many consider the lack of personalization a drawback, the goal is to get your name in front of as many people as possible. This is perfect for those that just started a new business and are not well known yet, or for businesses looking to up their brand awareness in their area.

For more information or to determine if EDDM is the best marketing strategy for your business with these principles and common use cases in mind. It could take your brand awareness to the next level and help you increase your business with new customers – and the pros here at One Stop Mail are happy to help you! Know what you want? Request a quote here.


Applying Color Psychology To Direct Mail

Color is a key influencer in one’s decision to make a purchase. Although your messaging needs to be strong, color can prevent your message from resonating with your target audience. This is why it is important to know the audience you are targeting and what specific colors for this audience would be best to use. This is important because according to Satyendra Singh, it takes only 90 seconds for a customer to form an opinion about a product. Moreover, 62-90% of that interaction is determined by the color of the product alone.We are going to give you a basic understanding of color psychology so you can optimize your direct mail campaign with greater intent.

Basic Color Generalizations

When you are approaching your color selections, you should be aware of on a basic level what color categories evoke in the the viewer. According to an article by the Entrepreneur called 10 Direct Mail Secrets,” typically “warm colors are exciting and energizing; cool colors are relaxing and refreshing. Bright colors speak loudly; dull colors suggest quietly.” With these in mind, you can start to narrow down what color scheme would be best suited for your direct mail materials. Of course, when color is involved you have to consider price, that is why you should limit your direct mail piece to one to two colors. Not only will it save you money, it will also make sure you don’t overwhelm your prospect—in this case, more is not better.

Narrowing Down Your Colors

So the main concern of any color selection is determining which ones will help produce conversions. Here is a basic rundown of what color each means from Color Psychology In Marketing: The Complete Guide:

  • Red-emotion, love, fear, and survival. Due to the latter, it is important to use it sparingly. It is a great color to get someone’s attention.
  • Orange-physical comfort, warmth, food, and shelter. Excites appetite.
  • Yellow-happiness, uplifting, radiant. Excellent option if your message is positive, but this color also should be used sparingly for it is known to cause anxiety if used too much.
  • Green-nature, peace, harmony, balance. Great for reducing stress and promoting overall well-being.
  • Blue-cerebral, mentally relaxing, non-physical response. Useful for producing a sense of calm and trust. Used too much though can make one feel cold and disconnected.
  • Purple-spiritually uplifting, physically soothing, energetic, imaginative. Can evoke opulence, magic qualities, and mystery. Too much purple can be distracting.
  • Pink-sensitive, nurturing, romance. Evokes a sense of understanding, but too much can make your message come off as immature.
  • Brown-stalwart, symbol of protection, stable. Brown can come off a bit boring, but as with all colors, it’s all about context.
  • Black-serious, independent, evil, death. This is a double edge sword for too much can produce the last two unwanted reactions, but used sparingly can be used with great effect.
  • White-purity, clean, peace. Can trigger a sense of new beginnings, but can also cause someone to feel isolated or lonely if used too much.

Picking The Right Colors

As you can see, color can make or break the message you are trying to convey. Carefully consider how you want your target audience to react to your message, and use that to focus in on what colors would be best. With each color, there is a threshold that you will determine if it is just the right amount, or too much, which can change the meaning of your message. As with all marketing strategies, the best place to start is gathering as much information as you can about your audience. Doing so will make sure you do not select an ineffective or misleading color.

DIrect Mail Marketing Targeted Mailing Lists

How To Target Baby Boomers: A Direct Mail Strategy

How To Target Baby Boomers: A Direct Mail Strategy


According to the Population Reference Bureau (PRB), the number of baby boomers currently in the U.S. numbers around 76 million. That is almost one-quarter of the entire U.S. population, making them a prime target for marketers. One of the best ways to reach the baby boomer generation is through direct mail. However, it is critical that you don’t approach this like your other direct mail marketing campaigns. Here are some things to keep in mind as well as some useful tips when developing your direct mail marketing campaign targeting baby boomers.


Besides Their Population Size, Why To Target Them


The baby boomer generation controls approximately 70% of all disposable income in the U.S. This generation is quite affluent and empowers them to make buying decisions. But this does not explain why direct mail would be a good marketing channel to use. According to Neil Patel in his article, “How to Reach Baby Boomers, Gen-Xers and Millennials with Your Online Marketing,” the baby boomer generation “are more likely to respond to direct mail campaigns than any other generation.” Another factor to consider is how many of them are reaching retirement age, and have more free time to engage with content. According to a Marketing Chart Study that surveyed purchase influence among baby boomers between the ages of 50-68, they found that “more than 3 in 10 survey respondents reporting that direct mail had influenced them to purchase a product or service during the prior 6 months. Interestingly, that was the most commonly-cited purchase influencer of 16 identified, ahead of word-of-mouth and online consumer reviews.” With these things in mind, you can see why direct mail is a prime marketing option. To make sure that your campaign reaches them effectively, keep these things at the forefront when crafting your message.  


Be Straightforward Rather Than Creative


When you are drafting your copy, make sure that your message hits home on everything and does not come off vague. According to the Entrepreneur in “5 Ways to Effectively Market to Baby Boomers,” they say, “seniors want to see everything spelled out in print. It’s far more important to use the right language than catchy copy.” Any sort of ambiguity or lack of information can cause them to not trust your offer or leave with them unanswered questions. This is why the article goes on to say, “Address every potential question a user may have. Include the answers in printed brochures, direct mail materials, and make the information easily available on the website.” Brainstorm all of the questions that someone may have after your reading your copy, and find a way to work the answers into the final marketing piece.


Dump Conventional Wisdom


Many of us have a certain predisposition to retirees, which misleads marketers into thinking falsely about baby boomers. In Eric Cosway’s article, “Send baby boomers direct mail and let the magic unfold,” he states that, “conventional wisdom has long been that retirees value comfort, stability and the relaxation of a quiet life. Just as they defied the conventional wisdom of their era as teens, baby boomers are defying today’s stereotypes of retirees.” It is important not to cater your message with this in mind, for it will most likely fall flat on its face. Cosway makes a good point that the baby boomer generation actually shares more things in common with their children than they did with their parents, such as, “adventure, change, achievement, and happiness.” He boils it down to one basic principle, “don’t make them feel old.”


Shoot Straight and Focus The Message


Considering how the baby boomers are quite receptive to direct mail and are in a position with greater spending power that other generations, you want to make sure that you nail your message. Your call-to-action should be very clear and simple. When composing your copy, don’t leave anything out. Any question unanswered is just one more reason why they should throw your copy in the trash rather than following through with the action you want them to take. And lastly, keep their personal values in mind, and flush the retiree stereotypes down the toilet.  



6 Common Direct Mail Marketing Mistakes & How To Avoid A Blunder

Direct mail marketing blunders can cost you dearly. Not only do you lose money on the cost of marketing but you also lose revenue that a bad marketing mistake won’t make you. There are many direct marketing challenges to consider when creating a direct mail campaign.  While direct mail has solidified itself as a key component of any multi-channel marketing campaign, there are bad marketing strategies that hurt returns.

In this blog, we’ll cover 6 common marketing mistake examples you want to avoid in your direct mail campaigns. Working with a full-service direct mail partner can help simplify the process, avoid marketing mistakes, and create an effective campaign that drives results.

Marketing Mistake 1: Not Identifying Your Audience By Their Response Rate

Not only should you be targeting a specific audience, but this group of prospects should also have a history of responding well to your marketing initiatives. Take the time to analyze your ideal customer and your current best customers. What are their demographics? What are their interests?

Use that information to define your target audience and generate focused mailing lists. In the end, putting in that little bit of extra work will set your campaign up for an increased chance at success.

Man moving gears to develop integrated marketingMarketing Mistake 2: Using Mailing Lists Without Cleaning The Data

This piece of your direct mail marketing campaign is of the utmost importance. A mailing list isn’t just a means of reaching your market- it is your market. A great piece of direct mail marketing doesn’t work if it doesn’t make it to the mailbox of your target audience. Cleaning your mailing list data improves cost efficiency, deliverability, response rates, and marketing insights. A cleaned, up-to-date mailing list can compound the success of a well-designed campaign.

Here are 4 things that you can do to clean and improve your list:

  • Use a reliable list broker.
  • Compare the list against the National Change of Address.
  • Remove duplicates from the list.
  • Audit your list once per year.

Once you have established the best list for your campaign, then you can go ahead with the design and message of your copy.

Marketing Mistake 3: Your Mailer Doesn’t Have a Compelling Offer

A common mistake is to push the product or service in your direct mail copy and not what the reader gets when they respond to your mailing. A compelling offer can come in a variety of forms: a discount, free trial/sample, emphasize the benefits they will receive, a customer loyalty program, highlight your USP, etc.

Consider what sort of compelling offer you can include in your campaign and place less emphasis on trying to sell the product. Though the sale is the ultimate goal, the first step is engagement and response, which will lead to that sale you ultimately want to achieve.

Woman opening direct marketing material

Marketing Mistake 4: An Unclear Call To Action

When you are crafting your direct mail CTA, you should make it as clear and simple as possible. Most people won’t bother following through if there are too many steps or if those steps are not clear enough. Be sure the CTA is:

  • Prominent
  • Specific
  • Shows value
  • Easy to follow

Make it easy for the reader to engage and respond by including QR codes and clearly displaying your phone number, address, website, and social media contact information.

Marketing Mistake 5: Lack of Eye-Catching Design

Special offer sign, a common marketing mistakeIn the competitive marketing landscape, the significance of an eye-catching design cannot be overstated. The success of your campaign hinges on capturing customers’ attention, enticing engagement, and evoking responses. A captivating design also fosters brand recognition, reinforcing your identity and values in the minds of recipients and driving them to take action (immediate response or future engagement).

In today’s dynamic marketing realm, a visually appealing and well-crafted design sets the stage for an influential and successful direct mail campaign that yields tangible results and bolsters your return on investment. Partner with a direct mail provider that offers graphic design services to create stand-out direct mail pieces and see results from your campaign.

Marketing Mistake 6: Not Integrating Your Marketing Efforts

In today’s interconnected world, consumers interact with brands through multiple channels, both offline and online. By failing to integrate direct mail with other marketing channels, you miss out on valuable opportunities to create a seamless and cohesive customer experience.

Integration ensures that your message reaches a wider audience and reinforces your brand consistently across different touchpoints. It also enables you to track and analyze data more effectively, gaining valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences. Embracing integration unlocks the true potential of your direct mail campaigns, enhancing engagement, and ultimately driving better results for your business.

Check out our integrated marketing platform, LIFT, to get the best of both digital and print advertising and crush your competition.

Is your direct mail campaign being held back by any of these marketing blunders? The experts at One Stop Mail are here to help! We’re your one-stop solution from the start of your campaign to its completion and our experts are here to help you keep the direct mail experience easy, affordable, and timely. Reach out today to get started!

OSM Increasing the Longevity of Your Small Business with Direct Mail Services

Maximizing Your Small Business With Direct Mail Services

If you are a small business owner, you know that it is do-or-die to reach your customers with resonating dialogue. The main reason why small businesses fail to accomplish this is due to a poor marketing strategy. Even though we live in a highly digital age, direct mail allows businesses to bypass spam folders and get a piece of copy in the consumer’s hands.

The Effectiveness of Direct Mail

According to a Compu-Mail article called “25 Direct Marketing Statistics Prove Direct Mail Works,” 56% of customers find print marketing to be the most trustworthy type of marketing. This is due to the fact that direct mail offers small businesses the ability to get more personal with their message. This makes the customer feel less like a name on a list and more like a valued individual whose needs want to be met by your brand. Moreover, many recognize that it takes more effort to personalize a physical piece of copy rather than an email. With 70% of Americans saying mail is more personal than the internet, it may be time to consider using direct mail to reach your customers in a more meaningful way.

What Kinds of Copy Should You Send?

There are many things you can send to customers to ensure that your business stays top of mind. You can send postcards, coupons, brochures, catalogs, and other sorts of promotional materials. When trying to draft a design of your copy, you should be mindful of three things: eye-catching visuals, a strong message, and a clear action. All of these aspects need to then be tied together in a way that is personal for the customer. Without that key aspect, your copy will not have the glue to stay together when it gets into someone hands, and will most likely fall on deaf ears.

Who Should You Target?

The old method of mailing to as many people as you possibly can in the hope someone finds interest in your brand is just not feasible. This is especially wasteful for marketing budgets. The best way is to build customer profiles by figuring out who would be your ideal customer. From there you need to learn as much as you can about this customer like their age, demographic, and shopping habits. Of course, this will require more work if you are trying to target a whole new group of people that have not heard of your brand. You should also be targeting your current customers, for it is much easier to maintain current customers that have than it is to get new ones.

Start Your First Direct Mail Campaign

Direct mail is still an effective method for reaching your customer base. With highly personalized messaging complimented by stunning visuals, you can improve customer engagement and response with your marketing campaign. Take advantage of the direct mail’s versatility by sending different kinds of copy. Start physically connecting with your ideal customer with One Stop Mail, and begin breaking down the digital barrier that separates your brand from reaching eager ears.

LI Post Direct Mail for Non Profits 2

Direct Mail for Non Profits – Two Easy Ways to Save Money

Although smaller nonprofit organizations have to initiate campaigns with smaller budgets, there are strategies that can be used to ensure savings on direct mail for non profits. We will discuss two strategies to help make a smaller budget achieve more. These strategies help save money and get you more bang for your buck, including unbranding and print planning.

Stripping Away the Branding Fluff

Sprinkling company plugs throughout your marketing materials has become second nature. However, this can be detrimental to the campaign’s success because people are hyper-aware when they encounter a marketing message. In “Pull the Plug The Value of Unbranded Content,” they say that if the target consumer does read on, they do so with a filter. They know that whatever they read next is subjective and is meant to be persuasive. This can affect your results, and lead to a campaign with undesirable data, diminishing your ROI.

To keep this from happening with your target audience, you can strip away all marketing identification. According to Joe Boland’s article “20 Big Ideas for Small Nonprofits,” the Southern Environmental Law Center tried sending their materials in a blank envelope with just the recipient’s information. This proved to be an effective strategy and allowed them to keep their costs down.  

Print Everything All At Once  

Many companies overlook the benefits of printing as many things as they can at the same time.  If you are printing multiple versions of a four-color brochure, you can save costs by using the same press sheet. Just make sure to be as detailed as possible when you send out your project for a quote. This will allow your printer to plan accordingly, which will help cut down on the number of plate changes and make-readies.

Now, to put your potential savings into perspective, let’s take a look at some numbers. In Joe Boland’s article, he  cited a real life example that details how much money a client ended up saving. The client had two acquisition mailings of 25,000 pieces. If they had printed them separately, they would have cost $7,198 each in comparison to $6,146 if they were printed together. That was an 8.7 percent decrease in cost per donor, from $81 to $74.

Repeat Direct Mail for Non Profits’ Success Stories

Keep in mind that these two ideas are meant to reduce your direct mail costs. However, that doesn’t mean you should ignore the results. Always make sure to check your data against the costs of a campaign so you can better optimize your next initiative to reach your desired goals within your budget. If you are unsure how to approach your next direct mail campaign, consider working with One Stop Mail so you can write a new success story and overcome your financial limitations.  

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A Marketing Strategy that Targets the Consumer’s Desire to Save

No matter what level of income someone makes, everyone cares about saving money. It is a misconception that coupon users are confined to a certain income level. In fact, recent studies have found that affluent shoppers do indeed care about saving and are receptive to offers. This is why it is important for companies to incorporate print promotions into their omnichannel marketing strategy.

Connecting People to Your Brand

Coupons are still one of the best ways to build a bridge between your brand and your potential customer. The desire to save money will never wane from people’s minds, and that is why it is so reliable. According to a Valassis study, 92% of shoppers use paper coupons and about half use them always or very often. With direct mail, you have an opportunity to target an age range that most would consider unreachable unless using a digital method. However, paper is still strong, and is not ending up in the trash but rather are being redeemed in stores.  The same study found that more than 50% of all consumers like receiving print coupons in the mail. It is clear that mail is still one of the strongest delivering methods for deals and other specials that can get more customers purchasing online or at your brick and mortar locations.

Influencing the Purchase of New Products

Trying to get consumers to switch to a new product from a different brand can be a challenge. A new marketing strategy can offer a variety of tactics that influence a shopper’s decision making, but one of the most effective methods has been tied to one’s desire to save money. A RetailMeNot survey found that about 80% of participants made a first-time purchase using a coupon. You can influence new customers with an offer that reduces the risk of trying something new and sets the foundation for new customer relationships.

Marketing Strategy that Incorporates Direct Mail

Providing opportunities for shoppers to save will never go out of style. Consider how effective your marketing strategy is now, and how much more you can improve its performance by adding a direct mail marketing campaign to the fold. Put the coupons right in the hands of the consumer so that you can empower them to make their next purchase without breaking the bank. In doing so, you will build a valuable relationship with new customers while also achieving the goals of new products. Contact us today to get started!