
Leverage Behavioral Science to Improve Your Direct Mail Response Rates

Nevermind the naysayers claiming that direct mail services are dying!  In many ways, direct mail is healthier than ever.  A variety of studies have been conducted lately into constructing better packaging that encourages response, and it’s allowing marketers to get ever-increasing direct mail response rates.

Direct mail already has a far higher response rate than email, at roughly 3.4% versus email’s .12% rate.  Plus, as spam filters and inbox personalization continue to segment people’s email boxes, the fight to be seen at all is becoming a tough battle.

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OSM Top 7 Direct Mail Statistics

Top 7 Direct Mail Statistics You Can Use

With the business world about to enter into the last quarter of the year, it is a good time to take stock of direct mail’s effectiveness in 2017 so far. Although the volume of direct mail went down last year, direct mail garnered a larger percentage of all mail. With technology and other tools to improve the timing of direct mail, this year’s statistics have shown that direct mail is not only still relevant in the marketing world, but that it is, in fact, one of the most successful channels available to marketers. Here are the top direct mail statistics you can use for this year.

#1 Direct Mail Statistics You Can Use – Household Response Rates Are at 5.1%

Yes, that decimal is in the right spot. According to compu-mail, direct mail has earned the highest response rate, with email and paid search at .6%, social media at .4%, and online display at .2%. Part of the reason why response rates are so high with direct mail is an increase in tools and information through technology that has enabled well-timed and personalized direct mail marketing campaigns.

OSM Mailboxes mathyas kurmann fb7yNPbT0l8 unsplash direct mail statistics you can use77% of People Sort Through Their Mail

Many marketers are finding it difficult to get prospects to open emails. I personally usually delete without even looking any extraneous emails and promotions. It has just become routine, which is unfortunate for marketers, for I can only imagine how many other people are like me. Average open rates are typically below 20% in comparison to mail. I for one always sort through my mail, and when I see something that stands out, I usually take a few seconds to see what it is, which bodes well for direct mail.

Every $167 Spent On Direct Mail Resulted in $2,095 Of Sold Goods

I believe that ROI speaks for itself, but one must ask what industries reaped the most benefit from direct mail. The largest users of direct mail include companies that offer financial services and also consumer packaged goods. With print still playing such a large role in marketing, coupled with cost-effective green methods of print, one can only imagine that direct mail will still be a major component of marketing campaigns going forward.

98% of Consumers Bring Their Mail In The Day It’s Delivered

Many are concerned that after putting all of the effort to create a personalized direct mail piece that it will just end up in the trash with the rest of the junk mail. If it does, it is probably not due to a diminishing trend in the public’s responsiveness to direct mail, but rather the direct mail piece itself missing the mark. As the direct mail statistics you can use from the U.S. Postal Service exemplifies, whatever you send out will get eyes on it. Whatever happens after will, for the most part, be within your power to control.

Customer Response Rates Increased Year-Over-Year by 48%

Companies who have never thought of using direct mail would be smart to start considering using it as one of their marketing channels. Not only did customer response rates increased, but prospective response rates more than doubled with a reported 190% increase. As noted by the Direct Marketing Association (DMA), this is in part due to the “pairing of mailings with digital intelligence. “

Adding A Person’s Name and Color Can Boost Response Rates By 135%

We have discussed the importance of personalization time and time again, and if for some reason you didn’t believe it before, then perhaps this statistic can lend some credence to this idea. Personalization, particularly with the introduction of variable data printing, is now within reach of most budgets. And in turn, can improve your ROI, and make the money you spend go a greater distance.

Print Is 43% Less Annoying than the Internet

Bottom line, we all hate spam. I for one get irritated when advertising videos start on websites yet it is nearly impossible for me to find it to shut it off. Many of us have become blind and aggressively against online advertising in many ways. That is why direct mail is refreshing to most since it is usually personalized, relevant, and recognized as something that took a lot of effort on the part of the company sending it. This makes the consumer feel important and valued, which at the end of the day, is just good marketing.

When it comes time to rely on direct mail experts, don’t leave it to chance. Go with an organization with vast experience and diverse mail services so you can be sure that your goals are taken seriously. One Stop Mail’s mail and list services will target the audience that will respond to your specific offer. Learn more by calling 602.932.7984 or send a request and we’ll be ready to help.

Direct Mail Campaign Examples

Proven Direct Mail Campaign Examples – Define The Best Target Market

Have you identified a potentially lucrative part of the market you want to target? Or, do you simply want to grow your customer base? Doing the groundwork is the best direct mail campaign examples that can be the difference between a positive and a negative return on investment (ROI). The first thing you should do is start with what you know.

Analyzing Your Current Customers

Even if you are targeting a new target market, you should not disregard what you know about your current customers. These people have already purchased your product. To get more customers, you should compile details regarding past customers such as what area many of them are living in. If you can identify some key ZIP codes that stand apart, you can look up information through the Census Bureau to get other pieces of data such as average household income and age.  

Purchasing A Targeted List

To supplement any in-house research you do, take it a step further to follow successful direct mail campaign examples and acquire a list compiled by a third-party company. These lists can usually be broken down by certain demographics so you only get the most relevant people to target. These lists can be targeted down to fathers with children under the age of 5 with a bachelor’s degree. You can get even deeper, such as if they own a home, and have a credit card. 

If you need support choosing or purchasing a direct mail list or have questions, check out our Mailing Lists & Data Services page.

Crafting Copy and Design That Is Successful

At first, you will probably be doing some guessing in regards to any new target markets. However, you can educate your guess with what you know about your current customers, and infer what will be attractive to this new market. Once you have a clear picture of this target market, you can do a smaller campaign to test the waters at a reasonable price. As you collect this new data, you can start to change the campaign so that you can improve your ROI.

More Proven Direct Mail Campaign Examples – Seek Out Experts

Not only do you need to be targeting the right people, but you need to take some time to determine what kind of copy and design will be the most successful. You want to not only make it eye-catching so it stands out, but also have a concise message with a clear call-to-action. You will at most have 3 to 5 seconds to get your message across.

So whatever you decide to go with, you need to make it count. To get an idea of what you can do with your budget, contact One Stop Mail to get a quote for your specific project.   

Mortgage Mailer

Creating A Captivating Mortgage Mailer Targeting Refinancers

Creating A Captivating Mortgage Mailer Targeting Refinancers


Mortgage companies have an opportunity to capitalize on the current market stasis by pushing out a captivating mortgage mailer that focuses on refinancing. If you are in the mortgage industry, you probably have stayed up to date on the latest trends. But if this is not the case, here is what is being reported as of today, August 9th, and what changes industry professionals are projecting over the course of this next week.  


Quick Overview of Mortgage Market Rates


According to an analysis conducting by, Mortgage rates are holding steady. Here is what is currently being reported:

  • The 15-year fixed-rate mortgage fell to 3.27 percent from 3.28 percent.
  • The 5/1 adjustable-rate mortgage rose to 3.49 percent from 3.48 percent.
  • The 30-year fixed-rate jumbo mortgage fell to 4.03 percent from 4.05 percent.


Also noted in the report is a drop in American buying sentiment. In fact, it has reached an all time low. Although homeownership rose with people under the age of 35 by 1.2% from last year, this segment of the population is still facing “inventory shortages and rising home prices.”


Moreover, according to a news release by Fannie Mae, buying sentiment is not the only thing down—so is the desire to sell.


In Bankrate’s weekly Rate Trend Index, where mortgage experts predict which way the rates are going to slide over the next week, 50% predicted they will fall, 30% predicted they will remain the same, and another 20% said they will increase.

Direct Mail Copy To Capture New Mortgage Customers


Although it seems the market looks grim for buying and selling, the rates are remaining low and steady with the possibility of going down ever further. This can be an opportunity for people to refinance their homes, which is where a well-timed direct mail campaign comes into play. Here are some things you should consider to create a successful mailer.


First, decide if you are going to go with a brochure, a postcard, or some other medium. This will allow you to plan how much copy and images you will need. On the one hand, brochures are great because people will typically flip through them, and you can have more room for images, such as a chart listing current rates and trends. However, postcards have the benefit of sticking around longer for people will most likely keep it for later, while with a  brochure, they may discard it.


No matter what you choose, the copy should be concise and do a few things:

  • Address how your company stands apart from your competitors
  • Have a clear path to your website to start the application process
  • Promote a sense of urgency with an expiration date
  • Be written in a way where the recipient can skim it and still get your message
  • Make sure it is personalized—e.g. Using pURLS or taking advantage of data provided by a mortgage mailing list
  • Include all necessary contact information


Always keep in mind that the direct mail piece is the key to the door. If it is the wrong key, the door won’t open. That is why you need to make sure the information and images you are providing are highly relevant and to the point. The goal is to get potential customers in the pipeline, no matter if it is via phone with one of your mortgage professionals or filling out an application form on your website. Since direct mail is highly trackable, you can monitor your results and find ways to improve the campaign.


If the current rates weren’t enough to entice you, then consider what Michelle Peel shared in her article “Why Online Mortgage Marketers are Investing in Direct Mail.” According to Peel, research that was recently completed by Competiscan found that Quicken Loans dominated Q1 2017 by being the leading mortgage/refinancing direct mailer. Now is the time to get off the bench and get in the game.  

OSM SM Post Irresistible Direct Mail Offers

Crafting Irresistible Direct Mail Offers to Convert Prospects

When creating a direct mail marketing campaign, we have talked about how design and personalization impact your results.  However, one aspect that could give you a significant increase in your response rate are direct mail offers.

What Makes Direct Mail Offers Great?

Put yourself in the shoes of your target prospect. Then take a look at your offer and ask a few simple questions:

  1. What sort of benefits will I be getting?
  2. Is the risk level minimal?
  3. What do other people say about this company/product?
  4. Is it worth my time?

One thing that we tend to get caught up in no matter what industry you are in is the product itself and its features. Being an architect of anything, you naturally get excited by this. However, just because you are excited by it doesn’t mean that customers will be too. Bottom line, the customer only cares how it’s going to benefit them. As soon as you start listing the features without spelling out the benefit, they will most likely tune out and move on.

An important aspect of one’s purchasing process is the risk involved. If they feel like they are putting all of the skin into the game, they will probably not feel as compelled to give your company/product a try. If you can find ways to minimize the risk, such as offering something for free for a limited amount of time or some other easy entry for them to get into the pipeline, consider adding that to the offer.

Your Business Reviews Help Trigger Action

Another thing we all want to see is reviews. It makes us feel safer when taking a risk on something new if other people say good things about it.

PRO TIP: Including a few testimonials in the offer will calm their worries and really get them considering what you are offering.

And lastly, something that is too often overlooked, is if the offer is worth their time?

In other words, have you done a good enough job at concisely explaining the offer, and making it enticing enough where they will invest their time into it? Do you think that if you were a target prospect of this offer you would honestly consider opting in? And if the answer is yes, is it easy for them to sign up or get started?

Consider these things when assessing if you have done a good enough job with direct mail offers. At the end of the day, your copy can be highly personal, but if someone doesn’t feel that these questions have been answered promptly and with precise diction, they just move on without batting an eye. 

How Can We Help?

When you have questions about how effective your direct marketing campaign is, reach out to us today at [email protected] or 602.223.3003, we have years of experience creating direct mail campaigns, from conceptualization to deployment.  

Want Even More Strategies? Get our 25-page Strategy eBook Free!

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direct mail company multiracial colleagues

How to Pick the best Direct Mail Company: A Checklist

Top 5 Things Everyone Should Look For In the Best Direct Mail Company

Sifting through all of the companies as you search for the best direct mail company can be time-consuming. How do you determine if one is better than the other? What characteristics offer you the best opportunity for success?  

Before we get into finding the best direct mail company for you, let’s erase any doubt you may have about whether direct mail belongs in a modern marketing mix. When you review these impressive results, you will know that it’s among the most effective marketing methods today.  

Astounding Direct Mail Statistics 

Businesses with customer acquisition goals should utilize direct mail. With an average return on investment of 29%, mail campaigns are profitable. In addition, direct mail recipients tend to buy 28% more items and spend 28% times more than other buyers.

The reason for this high rate of return may have something to do with how individuals interact with their mail. About 77% of people report sorting and scanning their mail immediately after receiving it. With statistics like this, marketers can be sure they touch their audience.  

An informative postcard can also be the start of a mutually beneficial relationship with new clients because more than 50% say that they find postcards useful, and 90% say that marketers who contact them through the mail are trustworthy.  

Now that you know direct mail can be hugely beneficial, here are the five key criteria to use to find the best direct mail company.  

1. They Have a Track Record of Success  

OSM AChecklistThis is a key indicator if a company is even worth pursuing. You can usually see the type of clients they’ve worked with in past on their website.  

Review the testimonials on their site. You’ll be able to see whether their clients like their responsiveness, whether they deliver their services as promised, and whether they have great customer service.  

Whether they have testimonials or not, it’s a smart move to talk with a project manager or owner to determine whether you want to consider them further. One of your first questions should be about their track record. Here’s a shortlist of questions that can help you uncover whether a direct mail company has delivered success:  

  • What industries have your clients been in? Do you specialize in a specific area? 
  • Can you describe how you achieve success for your clients? 
  • What do you consider success for your clients?  
  • Can you describe a failure and how you overcame it?  

2. They are Reasonably Priced 

Budgets can be a tricky area. That’s why price should be one of the key things you ask upfront so you won’t be surprised after the working relationship has begun.  

Keep in mind that there is not a simple, static template for direct mail. There are ways to adjust things – the size of a postcard, lower or raise the print run, or adjust the printing requirements – that can help keep direct mail costs under control while still offering outstanding returns.  

If mailer personalization is on your mind, today’s printing advances put variable data printing within reach. It’s now a much more cost-effective strategy to connect with customers. (P.S. As a marketer, you want to personalize your mail because 99% of marketers say that it advances customer relationships).

No matter what the size of your budget, you want to make sure every dollar is adding to the end result.  

3. They Understand Your Needs  

direct mail company colleagues analyzing on an ipadOne of the simplest, yet most important things the best direct mail company for you can do is to grasp your unique circumstance and support that understanding with a solution that’s tailored to fit you.  

They must be willing to work with you to develop strategies, test tactics, measure outcomes, and make changes to optimize results so that they can gain bigger, better sales for your business. Your own situation requires unique strategies, as you’re interviewing candidates, make sure that you are being understood.  

4. They Know the Complexities of the “Game” 

While it sounds simple on the surface, maximizing direct mail results takes a lot of experience and insider knowledge. Look for years of success across a diversity of industries. This demonstrates an ability to navigate and assess the needs in a range of markets and provide guidance for reaching a specific audience.  

5. They are Customer Acquisition Experts 

Persuasion isn’t a given, even with the best product or service. Because there are so many distractions that compete for your customers’ attention, it’s easy to overlook product announcements.  

The best direct mail company has experts who can advise clients on the best lead generation tactics. They can recommend specific things, including the use of coupons and new customer discounts.     

In addition, they understand how to create memorable impressions with your mailers, so they stand out from competitors in a crowded mailbox.  

Getting to Know You 

direct mail company woman listening clientsIf after doing your research and asking questions, you’ve found the best direct mail company for the job, you’ll rightfully expect a bit of marketing magic. Understand that it may take a bit of research, trial and error, and practice to learn how to collaborate with outside experts.  

Your experts may ask questions about your business, industry, and goals to determine the best course of action. They may recommend cleaning up your house list if you’ve had lukewarm results from recent mail campaigns, even suggesting a customized list to better target your audience.  

Postcard images, specific phrases, and mailer colors may all be analyzed and considered, along with previous campaigns before a specific course of action is set.  

Setting the Course for Long-term Direct Mail Success 

An exploratory phase early in the relationship isn’t unusual. It’s all about finding the right path to maximize your results – and profits. And, after each mailing and campaign, the results will be analyzed and elements of mailers and campaigns may be tweaked, to get even more value from the next mailing.    

During the entire process, the company you choose should make you feel that you are in charge and driving your own results. The course must be transparent and your organizational expertise included to ensure that your mailer achieves incredible success.  

On your search for the best direct mail company, we are confident that One Stop Mail’s 40-years of experience and success will make your final list. In addition to unmatched direct mail experience, our customer service and gentle guidance will build your confidence in our partnership.   

Get started by calling Marty Morales at (602) 223-3003 or send us a note

Updated 10.12.2021

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Direct Mail Marketing - One Stop Mail

Making Data-Driven Decisions To Improve Your Direct Mail Campaigns

The best way to improve the results of your direct mail campaigns starts with your data. It is important to have a system in place to monitor your direct mail results so that you can make more informed decisions later down the line. Whether this is about what copy works best or what color schemes are the most effective, data can help you change your direct mail game.

Audience Segmentation

Though it may seem like a no-brainer, one of the most useful things to help inform your direct mail campaign is information about your customers.

It is crucial to have lots of data on your customers, such as name, age, profession, and other metrics so that you can not only personalize but also see how certain groups respond to your direct mail campaigns. This is called audience segmentation, and its purpose is to not only give you more data to target specific groups of individuals more effectively but allow you to monitor certain groups behaviors so that you can improve the performance of future campaigns.  

Data Drives Personalization

You have probably heard it time and time again, but there is a reason why personalization is gaining ground in the marketing world. The use of data has grown over the last decade, and this has allowed companies to target their customers down to a specific individual.

Need more help? Here are some things that you can use to make your direct mail campaigns more relevant for someone is by using their name, be aware of their gender, use their purchase history to your advantage, and make an offer relevant to their location.

What Sort Of Data Should You Be Collecting?

Basically, you want to be collecting data that is going to be driving your decision making. If the data you are collecting is not doing this, then it is probably time to reconsider what data you are collecting.

Next, you have to infer what the data means and determine if you are getting your desired results. Remember, if you’re not currently getting the results you want, this could be either a misinterpretation of the data or the data is not relevant to what you are trying to accomplish.

Having a defined strategy will help to ensure you are collecting data with an accurate system. It’s important to determine what your process will be to weed out data that isn’t relevant. 

We’re Here to Help

If you’re unsure or need help with your direct mail campaign and analyzing your results, give our experts a call at (602) 233-3003 or contact us online – we’re happy to help!



Testing Your Direct Mail Campaign

Testing Your Direct Mail Campaign

There are many marketers that believe they are above testing because they have enough experience to know what works and what doesn’t. However, this sort of thinking prevents one from improving or confirming their marketing decisions. Testing your direct mail campaign should not be thought of as a one-time chore. It is a routine task that needs to be maintained because it is really the only way you can improve your campaigns, even ones that are already successful.

If It Is Already Successful, Why Test?

It is easy to disregard testing when your campaign is already successful. But even so, there may still be room for improvement. Moreover, for all you know, your competition may be testing a lot more and achieving greater results. In the article “Successful Direct Mail Is All in the Testing,” by Lois Geller, she tells an interesting story about how they “… developed a completely new and more expensive creative approach for a correspondence school. The client mailed it with the same offer to the same kinds of lists as the control. Our new creative brought in the same percentage of responses, so the client thanked us and said they’d stick with their cheaper control to save money.” Naturally, if you are getting the same results for more money, most would see this as a waste of money. However, the story takes an interesting twist as she continues, “Two years later our creative director ran into the client at a convention. The client said that our package had become the company’s control because, for some reason, it brought in a better class of customer, the kind of people who stick with the program a lot longer—and who are willing to pay a lot more money.” This is a perfect example of a client overlooking one of the most important metrics when testing—customer value. In this case, the client only focused on response rates rather than the quality of the customers who were responding. This is why testing when you already have a successful campaign can take your business to the next level.

What Should You Be Testing

Now that you have decided testing is a critical component to your direct mail marketing success, you need to determine what you actually need to test. According to the article “Direct Mail Testing – A/B split and multi-variable testing,” the top priorities for testing include two things: your list and the offer. The actual creative is an important component, but it should not monopolize your time. This is because the list and the offer are really going to have the most influence on your results at the end of the day.

Testing Strategies

Typically, you only want to test one element at a time. To do this, you need to establish some sort of control. So if you have a current campaign that is receiving some success, that can be your control. You can then develop a test campaign that you will send out at the same time and monitor the results. Perhaps you try different lists or a different offer. You can even try a different creative and see how it performs in comparison to your current design. This is called A/B split tests, and is the most common form of testing. If you are starting from scratch, you will just have to make an educated guess on what the best components will be and then test it. Make sure you track where all of your data so that you can make sure you are making the correct decisions based on reliable information. From there, you can combine the best elements to make an optimized campaign.

It’s Not A Chore, It’s How You Improve

Check your ego at the door. No one cares how much you know, or what success stories you’ve had in the past. What matters is in the present, and each campaign is different. From the outset, everyone must change their perception on direct mail testing. It is not a chore, but a necessity of life if you want to improve. Never stop at success, because there is always more success to be had if you are willing to put in the work.

One Stop Mail Printing Serives

Eco-Friendly Marketing: Recycled and Sustainable Paper

Eco-Friendly Marketing: Recycled and Sustainable Paper

There have been many arguments made about eco-friendly marketing. Some have cited that digital is the only true green method. However, many of these arguments lose viability when you consider the carbon footprint of factories, the energy required to run devices, and growing amount of e-waste in the world. On the other side of the dividing line lies the the other option stacked against paperless advocates: recycled and sustainable paper. Many companies have started to use this option as a way to improve their brand image with the growing millennial generation, one that is willing to pay more for a product if it is green. Before we get too ahead of ourselves, let’s start with this question: what is recycled and sustainable paper?


The Differences Between Recycled and Sustainable Paper

Recycled paper is created by reconstituting paper used by consumers. This is a great alternative to buying brand new paper. The downside to recycled paper though is the fact that paper can only be recycled a few times. Only the best quality paper can be used more than this, but it also has limited renewability.

Sustainable paper is different from recycled paper in the sense that the paper comes from forests that are constantly having new trees planted to replace the ones cut down. This is what “sustainable” means since this kind of deforestation does not leave stumps in its wake but freshly planted seeds to grow new trees. Another thing to note is that the trees that are cut down are not entirely devoted to making paper. Other parts of the tree are used for other things, making greater use out of the wood.


So, Why Does This Matter?

Now for the real question: why is it a big deal when a company decides to go green by switching the kind of paper it uses? As mentioned before, millennials are the most environmentally aware generation to date. Moreover, due to their constant exposure to social media, they have become increasingly aware of brand image. According to “5 Reasons Why Visible Sustainability Matters to Millennial Consumers,” 59% of millennials are willing to spend more on a product if the company is portraying the right brand image. The article also goes on to state that “to many millennials, the simple act of selecting a packaged beverage during a lunch break is the potential for a statement about their identity and values.” As millennials age and accumulate more buying power, companies should take heed of their environmental awareness to better market to them.


Planning For The Future

With environmental concerns constantly being at the forefront of many modern debates, it would not be too far-fetched to say that going green is an investment for future success. As more generations grow up in a highly environmentally aware society, one can only expect that this will remain an important concern for future generations. Consider recycled paper or sustainable paper as an alternative to satisfy your paper needs.



What is EDDM – And Is Canvassing A Neighborhood Worth It?

Business owners often ask us, “what is EDDM”?  They’ve heard of it and that its a good marketing tool, but they aren’t sure what the acronym means or what it’s all about.

Every door direct mail, or known simply as EDDM, is a marketing tool offered by USPS that targets mailing routes instead of individual addresses to get direct mail out to the masses. This is obviously different from the typical direct mail campaign we are all familiar since you are not necessarily targeting a specific individual but rather a large group of people in different neighborhoods. Due to this difference, it is important to be clear about what is EDDM when considering if it is right for your business.


Who Should Use It?

EDDM is great for those that want to target a new location but do not have a list of addresses for that area. This can enable you to get your brand in front of new customers in a specific region. EDDM typically works best for local businesses that want to get their name known by residents surrounding their area.On top of it having the capability to target a large group of people, EDDM is also cheaper than your typical direct mail marketing campaign. Rather than spending lots of time on catering your copy to a specific person, you need to make it more general and relevant to a variety of individuals.


Design Keys For EDDM

First and foremost, what will help you stand out is your color choices. As we discussed our other article called “Applying Color Psychology To Direct Mail,” color can imply different things to a person. Such as too much red coming off as aggressive or angry, or blue which can make someone feel cold and disconnected. Really consider what color choices are best for your messaging, and be sure to use the right amount.

After color comes the actual message you want to convey. Now, when we said that you needed to be more general, this does not mean you should not consider who your target customer. Start with who you think would be interested in your services, then develop messaging that can appeal to a wide range of individuals underneath this umbrella. This means wrestling with how to target different age groups, men and woman, and other customer identifiers. Though this may seem a bit challenging, it will ensure that you do not narrow your EDDM campaigns messaging to a small group of people, which defeats the purpose of EDDM.


Bottom Line: What is EDDM and Is it Right For You?

EDDM can be an effective way to get new customers while keeping your costs down. Though many consider the lack of personalization a drawback, the goal is to get your name in front of as many people as possible. This is perfect for those that just started a new business and are not well known yet, or for businesses looking to up their brand awareness in their area.

For more information or to determine if EDDM is the best marketing strategy for your business with these principles and common use cases in mind. It could take your brand awareness to the next level and help you increase your business with new customers – and the pros here at One Stop Mail are happy to help you! Know what you want? Request a quote here.